An article is a complete piece of writing on an issue of public interest. It usually contains the views or opinions of its writers on a specific issue or topic.

Article Writing

Article writing refers to the process of creating written content for various purposes, such as newspapers, magazines, blogs, websites, or other publications. It involves the crafting of informative, engaging, and well-structured pieces of writing to convey information or express opinions on a particular topic.

Article writing typically follows a specific format and style, depending on the intended audience and the platform where it will be published. The primary goal of article writing is to provide readers with valuable information, entertain them, or persuade them to take a specific action.

When writing an article, it is essential to consider the target audience and tailor the content accordingly. This involves understanding their interests, knowledge level, and the tone of voice that resonates with them. The article should be well-researched, factually accurate, and organized logically.

Here are some key elements to consider when writing an article:

1. Headline: Create a catchy and informative headline that grabs the reader’s attention and accurately reflects the content of the article.

2. Introduction: Begin the article with a compelling introduction that captivates readers and provides an overview of the main topic or argument.

3. Body: The body of the article should be divided into sections or paragraphs that cover different aspects of the topic. Each section should have a clear focus and flow smoothly into the next. Use subheadings to enhance readability and structure.

4. Research: Conduct thorough research on the topic to ensure the article is informative and accurate. Cite reliable sources and provide evidence or examples to support your statements.

5. Writing style: Use clear, concise, and engaging language. Avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse the readers, unless the article is intended for a specialized audience. Keep sentences and paragraphs short to improve readability.

6. Tone and voice: Adapt the tone and voice of the article to suit the intended audience and purpose. It can be formal, conversational, persuasive, or informative, depending on the context.

7. Conclusion: Summarize the main points discussed in the article and provide a concise conclusion. You can also end with a thought-provoking question or a call to action to engage the readers further.

8. Editing and proofreading: Before submitting or publishing the article, carefully edit and proofread it for grammar, spelling, and factual errors. Ensure the article flows well and adheres to the guidelines of the publication or platform.

Remember, article writing is a skill that can be honed through practice. The more you write, the better you will become at creating engaging and impactful content.


  1. CONTENT: The content depends on the topic you are asked to write on, but you must write on all aspects of the question to earn a good mark. Your points must be relevant to the question.
  2. ORGANISATION: Writing an article is not the same as writing a letter to the editor of a newspaper. You are not expected to write a letter to the editor when you are asked to write an article for publication in a newspaper or magazine.
  3. You are expected to write the title of the article clearly on top of the article.
  4. You are expected to write an introductory paragraph in which you are to give your readers an insight into your topic.
  5. Present your points in a logical order and develop your paragraphs adequately.
  6. Write your name and class below at the end of your article.
  7. EXPRESSION: Your language should be formal since you are writing an article
  8. TOPIC: for article call for expository prose and clarity of expression. Write in simple, straightforward sentences and avoid using slang
  9. Your vocabulary should be carefully chosen for effectiveness.


There has been an outbreak of an epidemic in your area. Write an article for publication in a health magazine stating the causes and effects, and suggesting what could be done to check it.


Write an article meant for publication in one of the national newspapers on the dangers of vandalizing petroleum pipelines in your country.


Prefixes and suffixes are affixes added to the beginning or end of a word, respectively, to modify its meaning or create a new word. They play a crucial role in expanding vocabulary, forming new words, and understanding the meaning of unfamiliar terms. Here’s an overview of prefixes and suffixes:

Prefixes and suffixes can be combined with root words to create more complex words or to modify their meanings further. For example, the prefix “un-” can be combined with the suffix “-able” to form “unbearable,” meaning something that cannot be tolerated.


A prefix is a word element added to a base or root word at the beginning to give another word. Prefixes do not generally change or after the word- class of the base or root and as suffixes do but they do change the meaning.

Examples are

  1. Build – base or root word re – a prefix        rebuild
  2. Fair – base or root word un – a prefix       unfair
  3. Un + educated = uneducated, dis + qualify = disqualify, under + develop = underdeveloped.

– A prefix is added to the beginning of a base word to change its meaning.
– It can alter the tense, and number, or provide negation, among other modifications.
– Examples:
– Un- (unhappy, unable): negates the meaning of the base word.
– Pre- (preview, preheat): indicates something happening before.
– Re- (rewrite, reconsider): denotes repetition or going back.


A suffix is a word element added to a base or root word at the end to give another word. Unlike prefixes, suffixes are frequently after the word class and word function.

Suffixes change words from nouns t adjectives and adjectives to verbs.


Ness, nt and dy can be added to get (a) happiness (b) solvent (c) comedy.

– A suffix is added to the end of a base word to change its meaning or function.
– It can alter the word’s grammatical category, such as turning a noun into an adjective.
– Examples:
– -able/-able (comfortable, visible): indicates capability or possibility.
– -er/-or (teacher, actor): denotes a person who performs a specific action.
– -tion/-sion (completion, discussion): signifies an action or process.

Understanding common prefixes and suffixes can help in deciphering the meaning of unfamiliar words, expanding vocabulary, and improving reading comprehension. Additionally, they can aid in word formation, allowing for more precise communication and expression.

It’s important to note that while prefixes and suffixes are powerful tools for word formation, not all words have them. Furthermore, some prefixes or suffixes may have multiple meanings, so context plays a crucial role in determining their exact interpretation.



    See also


    CONTRAST /t/ and /s/