Created by Samuel Okeke



Attempt 60 questions within 2 hours.


1 / 60

The area of a square field is 110.25metre square field is 110.25 metre square. Find the cost of fencing it round at N75.00 per metre

2 / 60

Every staff in an office owns either a Mercedes and/or a Toyota car. 20 own Mercedes, 15 own Toyota and 5 own both. How many staff are there in the office?

3 / 60

The probability of an event P happening is 1/5 and that of event Q is ¼. If the events are independent, what is the probability that neither of them happens?

4 / 60

The monthly salary of a man increased from N2, 700 to N3, 200. Find the percentage increase

5 / 60

A cuboid of base 12.5cm by 20 cm holds exactly 1 litre of water. What is the height of the cuboid? (1 liter = 1000cm3)

6 / 60

A chord of length 6cm is drawn in a circle of radius 5 cm. Find the distance of the chord from the centre of the circle.

7 / 60

Which of the following statements describes the locus of a point R which moves in a plane such that it is a point R which moves in a plane such that it is equidistant from two intersecting lines?

8 / 60

Find the mean deviation of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

9 / 60

A chord is 5cm from the centre of a circle of diameter 26cm. Find the length of the chord

10 / 60

What is the volume of a solid cylinder of diameter 7cm and height 7cm? (Take Pi = 22/7)

11 / 60

Ekaette spent ¼ of his money on food, 1/3 on clothing and saved the rest. If he saved N72, 000.00. How much did he spend on food?

12 / 60

A machine valued at N20, 000 depreciates by 10% every year. What will be the value of the machine at the end of two years?

13 / 60

The sides of two cubes are in the ratio 2:5. What is the ratio of their volumes?

14 / 60

A messenger was paid N2.50 an hour during the normal working hours and N4.00 an hour during overtime. If he received N31.00 for 10 hours work, how many hours are for overtime?

15 / 60

A fair coin is tossed three times. Find the probability of getting two heads and one tail.

16 / 60

A survey shows that 228% of all the men in a village wear selected at random in the village wear size 9 shoes?

17 / 60

A train moving at a uniform speed covers 36km in 21 minutes. How long does it take to cover 60km?

18 / 60

Mr. John traveled from Aba to Ikorodu a distance of 720km in 8 hours. What will be his speed in m/s?

19 / 60

What is the number whose logarithm to base 10 is 3.4771?

20 / 60

If x% of 240 equals 12, find x:

21 / 60

If tan y = 0.404, where y is acute, find cos 2y

22 / 60

A chord of a circle of radius 26cm is 10cm from the centre of the circle. Calculate the length of the chord

23 / 60

Find the average of the first four prime numbers greater than 10

24 / 60

There are m boys and 12 girls in a class. What is the probability of selecting at random a girl from the class?

25 / 60

The angle of elevation of an aircraft from a point K on the horizontal ground is 30 degree. If the aircraft is 800m above the ground, how far is it from K?

26 / 60

Calculate. Correct to 2 significant figures, the length of arc of a circle of radius 3.5cm which subtends an angle of 75 degree at the centre of the circle (Take Pi = 22/7)

27 / 60

The wheel of a tractor has diameter 1.4m. What distance does it cover in 100 complete revolutions? (Take Pi = 22/7)

28 / 60

The probabilities of a boy passing English and Mathematics test are x and y respectively. Find the probability of the boy failing both tests

29 / 60

Two sides of a triangle are perpendicular. If the two sides are 8cm and 6cm. calculate correct to the nearest degree, the smallest angle of the triangle

30 / 60

The height and base of a triangle are in ratio 1:3 respectively. If the area of the triangle is 216cm2, find the length of the basic.

31 / 60

A sector of a circle radius 14cm subtends an angle 135 degree at the centre of the circle. What is the perimeter of the sector (take Pi = 22/7)

32 / 60

The probabilities that John and James pass an examination are ¾ and 3/5 respectively. Find the probability of both boys failing the examination

33 / 60

An arc of a circle of radius 14cm subtends angle 300o at the centre. Find the perimeter of the sector formed by the arc (Take Pi=22/7)

34 / 60

A trader bought 100 tubers of yam at 5 for N350.00. She sold them in sets of 4 for N290.00. Find her gain percent

35 / 60

Correct 0.04945 to two significant figures

36 / 60

A man’s eye level is 1,7m above the horizontal ground and calculate, correct to the nearest degree, the angle of elevation of the top of the pole from his eyes.

37 / 60

Three quarters of a number added to two and a half of that number gives 13. Find the missing number.

38 / 60

A regular polygon has 9 sides. What is the size of one of its exterior angles?

39 / 60

A trader makes a loss of 15% when selling an article. Find the ration, selling price: cost price

40 / 60

The cross-section of a prism is a right-angled triangle 3cm by 4cm by 5cm. The height of the prism is 8cm. calculate its volume

41 / 60

The salary of a man was increased in the ratio 40:47. Calculate the percentage increase in the salary

42 / 60

A student bought 3 notebooks and 1 pen for N35. After misplacing these items. She again bought 2 notebooks and 2 pens, all of the same type for N30. What is the cost of a pen?

43 / 60

Divide the sum of 8,6,7,2,0,4,7,2,3 by their mean

44 / 60

A fair die is tossed once. What is the probability of obtaining neither 5 nor 2?

45 / 60

Find the next two terms of the sequence 1, 5, 14, 30, 50…

46 / 60

If 8x – 4 = 6x – 10, find the value of 5x

47 / 60

A seller allows 20% discount for cash payment on the marked price of his goods. What is the ratio of the cash payment to the marked price?

48 / 60

Q is 25km from P on a bearing 042 degrees and R is 25km from P on a bearing of 132 degrees. Calculate the bearing of R from Q

49 / 60

A boy contains 3 red and 2 white identical balls. If 2 balls are picked at random from the bag, one after the other and with replacement, find the probability that they are of different colours

50 / 60

P is a point on the same plane with a fixed point A. If P moves such that it is always equidistant from A, the locus of P is

51 / 60

Ladi sold a car for N84, 000 at a loss of 4%. How much did Ladi buy the car?

52 / 60

Given that 2P – m = 6 and 2p + 4m = 1. Find the value of (4p + 3m)

53 / 60

Two solid spheres have volumes 250cm3 and 128cm3 respectively. Find the ratio of their radii

54 / 60

A rectangular carpet 2.5m long and 2.4m wide covers 5% of a rectangle floor. Calculate the area of the floor.

55 / 60

Out of 60 members of an association, 15 are doctors and 9 are lawyers. If a member is selected at random from the association, what is the probability that the member is neither doctor nor a lawyer?

56 / 60

What is the height 10cm and diameter 7cm? (Take Pi = 22/7)

57 / 60

Which of the following is not a factor of 2P2 – 2?

58 / 60

The volume of a cylinder is 1200 cm cube and the area of its base is 150cm cube. Find the height of the cylinder

59 / 60

Solve the inequality 2x + 3 < 5x

60 / 60

The population of students in a school is 810. If this represented on a pie chart. Calculate the sectoral angle for a class of 72 students

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