1. Your trajectory.

When it comes to your trajectory, it is best that you become more familiar of your

different golf clubs. This is because, the type of club you would use in swinging is one of the biggest factors when it comes to the balls trajectory. Thus, it is best if you keep on trying out different golf clubs in different types of shots, so that you eventually know when you need to use each one of them.

  1. To have crisp shots.

If you want to have crisper shots, whenever you do your swing, then you should target the inner quadrant part of the golf ball. This would make your golf club make contact with the ball in an open position. To make this easier, when using balls with a logo, set the logo at the part where you want to hit the ball, so that it would become your target.

  1. The Tweeners.

Many golfers refer to the odd distances between different golf clubs as the Tweeners; and, if you constantly experience inconsistencies with them, then you should come up with a solution. For example, if you are a type of person who loves to do power swings, then you should make use of a lesser club and hit it the way you want.

  1. First tee.

Every time you set your feet on the first tee of the whole golf course, before you position yourself for swinging, you should take some time in studying it. You should try to identify the whole shape of the hole, as if you would be looking at it from the sky. By doing this, you would be able to come up with your own strategy on how you are going to approach each hole more effectively.

  1. Take your time.

One of the things about playing golf is that, you need to make the right calls, so that you would be able to come up the winner. For example, before swinging at the ball, you need to identify the best golf club you want to use for it. Aside from that, you should also decide on your aim, by considering the direction and speed of the wind.

  1. Using music.

If you are playing by yourself, or with people you have met for the first time, then it would not be a bad idea to listen to music. This is because good music can help you in calming your nerves. It is best though that you listen to it only while you are waiting for your turn, so that you would be able to focus at what you need to do, when it is time for you swing.

  1. The line between you and the ball.

Lots of professional golfers come up with an imaginary line between them and the ball. Before crossing the line, you should make up your mind about your aim, the kind of power you would hit the ball with, and such. Thus, you should only cross the line when you are fully committed in what you are going to do. If you are still unsure and you have already crossed it, you can always step back, and rethink your move again.

  1. Balance.

Before you start with your swing, you should make sure that you are able to achieve perfect balance for your body. Having good balance will enable you to deliver the kind of power, which is needed to take the ball where you want it. Aside from that, it would also ensure that you would be able to hit the ball towards the direction you are aiming at.

  1. Your head.

Keep in mind that every time you make a swing to hit the ball, your head would also make its own swing. In relation to this, you can actually observe how you rotate your head each time you swing to see if you are doing it properly. If you are swinging it on the same manner as your front shoulder, then you are going to make a good swing.

  1. View par 5 as par 3.

If you want to challenge yourself more, so that you would be able to make improvements on your performance, then view a hole that is par 5 as par 3. In other words, instead of planning for 5 shots in a par 5 hole, you should plan it for 3 shots. This may make you take some risks, but it is worth it, especially if you are not doing it for the first time at a tournament.

  1. Practice more.

Practicing more does not have to be limited to playing the actual golf. Expand your horizons in playing golf by checking out video games about it. There are lots of gaming consoles available today, which can offer you realistic golf games. In playing such games, it can offer you more ideas in taking different holes.

  1. Be prepared.

If you find yourself playing in a particular hole and it suddenly rains, it is best if you came prepared with your own rain gear. Even if you are still practicing, you should make use of your rain gear while playing. By doing this, you can still expect to perform the same way you are in practicing, if it happens during a tournament.

  1. Putting.

When you do your putting, you should become more conscious on the angles created by your hand when you hold the putter. One of the best angles that you can take note of is the one created, when your wrist is bending backwards towards your forearm. Try to practice this kind of angle, and see the difference it can make in doing your putting.

  1. Look where your ball should go.

Whether you are putting or are still trying to get to the green, you should take a good look at your target for a lot of times, before you make your swing. Looking at your target will provide your brain with the clear picture of where your ball should go. Aside from that, since looking at the target can also help you judge the distance, it can also help you come up with just the right amount of power behind your stroke.

  1. Stroke for all distances.

You should take note of how you place your feet in accordance to the kind of distance you want to achieve with your stroke. Keep in mind that the longer the stroke, the wider the distance should be between your feet. On the other hand, when putting, your feet should also be near each other. Practice this, but don’t forget to consider your balance, so that you can achieve what you want.

  1. Triangulating your putts.

When you plan your putting strategy, you should look at the ball from three different points. Look at it from behind, from behind the hole, as well as midway in between the ball and the hole. By doing this, you would be able to plan out your swing more effectively. This technique is called triangulating, and it is often used by professionals.

  1. Be positive on the green.

When you are already at the green, one of the things that can prevent you from hitting a par, birdie, or an eagle eye, is negative thinking. There are times when people think about not being able to make the shot perfectly, due to some reasons, and it could actually happen. Therefore, since negative thinking can actually influence the outcome of the game, then positive thinking should affect it as well. With that, it is best to be positive at all times.

  1. Make sound decisions.

In playing golf, as well as other sports, one of the things that you need to do in order to improve your performance is to make sound decisions. The best thing about golf though is that, you have time to do it, which is also the case for your competition. Thus, it is best if you consider all factors in choosing the golf club, hitting the ball at the right angle, and so on, so that you can come out the winner.

  1. Take some risks.

Being too cautious may not provide you with the outcome that you want. Thus, it is also good to take some risks from time to time. When you take some risks, you would be able to discover more things about your abilities. Aside from that, you can also explore certain shots, which you may not have thought to be possible.

  1. The bunker.

Considering the texture of the sand can save you some strokes, if your ball ends up in a bunker. For example, if the sand is soft and fluffy, you want to make use of a wedge, which is equipped with a large flange and can provide a lot of bounce. By doing that, you can make the right calls whenever you are stuck at a bunker and you want to minimize your strokes.
