Repentance is the act of changing ones attitudes and behaviours from bad to good. This is only completed when you decided to change totally and forsake the evil ways absolutely. Everyone that is born on earth with flesh and blood has the tendencies to perpetuate evil. This is as a result of Adamic nature in us. In fact, our environment also contributes greatly to this, because of the level of corruptions that has eaten deeply into our system. It is a pity that some take evil for good and good for evil.



Conversion of Paul from Judaism to Christianity [Acts 9:1-21]. Saul (Paul) got letters from high priests to Synagogue at Damascus to bring bound to Jerusalem those who professed the name of Christ. Approaching Damascus, a sudden light shown, he fell down and heard a voice: Saul, why do you persecute me? Who art thou, Lord. I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. Rise and enter the city, you will be told what to do.


He rose up blind, was led to Damascus, no sight for three days neither ate nor drank. Ananias saw a vision; was told to go to a street called straight, ask for the house of Judas for Saul of Tarsus, lay hands on him to regain his sight. Ananias complained of Saul’s murderous intent towards the followers of Christ. Go for he is a chosen instrument of mine. Ananias laid hands on Saul who regained his sight, was filled with the Holy Spirit and baptized.


For several days Saul was with the disciples at Damascus, proclaimed boldly in the Synagogue that Jesus is the son of God. He met with opposition, the governor under Aretas, the king kept the city with a garrison to apprehend paul. Paul had to be smuggled out for safety. At Jerusalem he attempted to join the disciples, again, they were afraid of him until Barnabas vouched for his sincerity. There was another plot to kill him in Jerusalem. So he was escorted to the coast and shipped off to Tarsus. This was how the Jews reacted to Saul’s (Paul) conversion from Judaism to Christianity.



  1. Describe the early life of Saul
  2. What were the reaction of (i) Christians in Damascus and Jerusalem (ii) The Jews in Damascus and Jerusalem to Saul’s conversion.



David committed sin by having affairs with Bethshebah and end up killing Uriah, the husband in the battle field. Prophet Nathan accused David of his sin, and he repented totally of this. He demonstrated this by fasting for seven days .So by this, he wrote Psalm 51 as a prayer of forgiveness.



  1. What is repentance?
  2. What are the requirements for repentance?



The people of Nineveh were so sinful and God decided to destroy them. However because God is merciful, he wanted them to repent. Hence, God sent prophet Jonah to preach to them to repent. Jonah was not willing to go, so he planned to board a ship to Tarship instead of Nineveh. God allowed a strong wind to disturb the ship and Jonah was thrown into the sea to prevent the people in the ship from perishing. Jonah was swallowed by a big fish.


He repented in the fish to obey God and the fish vomited him at the bank of Nineveh, on the market day. When they saw this, they were eager to listen to his message. They reported to the king of Nineveh who declared fasting and pleaded that the people should repent and God pardoned the people because they all acknowledged their sins and repented of it. Unlike Adam that was giving excuses for sins.



  1. Describe the sin of Nineveh.
  2. How did the Ninevites overcome the punishment for their sins?



  1. How can a sinner get forgiveness?
  2. Explain the situation of the Ninevites.
  3. Explain this statement in your own words “Man by nature is a sinner.”
  4. Discuss how David get forgiveness after his grievous



  1. Which of the following is not correct? (a) Paul was a Roman citizen (b) Paul was a Jew (c) Paul’s father was a wealthy and influential Christian
  2. Paul was trained in Jerusalem by____ the great leader of the Pharisee (a) Tarsus (b) Gamaliel (c) Nicodemus
  1. He did his postgraduate study in ____ (a) Jerusalem (b) Damascus (c) Tarsus.
  2. The letters given to Saul by the high priests were for ____ (a) bounding and bringing to Jerusalem those that professed the name of Christ in Damascus
  3. One of the following is not a reaction to the conversion of Saul. (a) The Christians rejoiced that he confronted Jesus (b) The Christians were afraid of him (c) The Jews and the governor under king Aretas wanted to kill him.



  1. Narrate the encounter between Saul and Jesus on the road to Damascus
  2. Describe the family of Saul (Paul).


See also