Biblical Accounts of Creation and Their Meanings

The book of Genesis begins with two creation stories. The first creation story is in Genesis chapter one. The second creation story is in Genesis chapter two. The two creation stories, the first creation story is in Genesis chapter one.

The second creation story is in Genesis chapter two. This story is like a song or poem. It’s written, “Let there be…” and “God saw that it was good … to separate,” and “there was evening and morning on …” Each creation is taken as a day.

The creation took place in the following order.

It is orderly:

1st day – God created day and night (Light and darkness)

2nd day – The Heavens (sky)

3rd day – The Earth, Water / Sea, Vegetation (Plants, trees, grass)

4th day – Sun, Moon and Stars

5thday – Birds, Sea Creatures

6th day – Animals, Livestock, Man was the last creation (human beings)

7th day – God rested and blessed the 7th day and made it holy.

In this creation story, we see God creating things in an orderly manner, day after day until the 6th day. It was last in the first account. God created man from dust and breathed into his nostrils before anything else is mentioned. God then put man in the Garden of Eden, which He had made for him so that man could till and keep it. The garden was planted eastward in Eden.

Out of the ground, God made every tree to grow. In the middle of the garden, there was the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Man was given the responsibility of tilling and conserving the garden. Man was commanded to eat of every tree in the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. A river flowed from the garden and then it separated into four tributaries.

God saw that man should not be alone hence He made him a helper/mate; a woman from one of the man’s ribs. Man was also given the responsibility of naming all the animals in the garden. There is mention of God resting after work

Differences between the two creation stories

First Account

Second Account

Mentions what was created on which day. Each creation takes a day.

– This story is like a song or a poem. It’s written, “Let there be…” and “God saw that it was good … to separate”, and “there was evening and morning…”

– It is orderly.

– Mentions what was created on which day.

– Rivers and garden are not mentioned.

– Man and woman were created together.

– No mention of the knowledge.

Marriage is for procreation.

– Sun, moon, stars, sky are mentioned.

-God rested on the seventh day hence the Sabbath day.

– doesn’t mention the daily activities of GOD.

– The story is in prose. For example “… and God said … and it was evening…”

– Not orderly was last in the first account

– Doesn’t’ mention what was created on which day

– Mentions rivers, and garden for tilling

– Woman was created from ribs of man

– Mention of the knowledge

Marriage is for companionship

– Sun, moon, stars, sky are not mentioned

– Mention of resting after work but

– Sabbath day is not mentioned

Similarities between the two accounts of creation

In both creation accounts:

  1. a) Men and women are created by God and are given special references. Man and woman are special to God.
  2. b) God rested after creation.
  3. c) God provided the source of food.
  4. d) God is portrayed as the sole creator of the universe and everything in it.
  5. e) Man is given the responsibility of controlling animals, birds and plants that God created.


Find out the differences between the two creation stories and write them down. Now compare them with my answer.

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