SS 1 Agricultural Science (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Agricultural Science (All Classes)


MANAGEMENT OF RUMINANT [CATTLE] Cattle Breeds of cattle Terms used in cattle management Characteristics of cattle System of rearing cattle Feeding of cattle Management of cattle   Cattle are ruminant animal (they have complex or complicated stomach structures). Cattle have hollow horns and hoofs. They are reared for meat, milk, hide and skin, manure and […]

SS 1 Agricultural Science (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Agricultural Science (All Classes)


MANAGEMENT OF A MONOGASTRIC ANIMAL (PIGS) Terms used in pigs management Breeds of pigs Characteristics of pigs System of rearing pigs Housing, feeding and hygiene Management of pigs Pigs are non-ruminant animals in the genus sus, within even-toed ungulate family suidae. They are primarily reared for meat.   TERMS USED IN PIGS MANAGEMENT Boar: a […]

Agricultural Science (Primary Classes) Agricultural Science (All Classes)

Livestock Management

Procedure for raising cattle There are many steps involved in raising farm animals, right from when they are young, till when they are old or mature and are ready for marketing. These steps can be generally grouped into housing, feeding, health care and handling for marketing. . Procedure for raising cattle Cattle are large farm […]


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