JSS 3 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)


A adjective is described as a word that qualifies or modifies nouns and pronouns. Adjectives generally give more information about nouns and pronouns in items of their attributes such as quality, colour, quantity, etc.; words come nearer to the nouns they modify than all other elements that modify such nouns. TYPES OF ADJECTIVES USES There […]

JSS 3 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)


‘A’ ‘an’ and ‘the’ are known as Articles they are in fact demonstrative adjectives. KINDS OF ARTICLES There are two types of articles Definite Articles Indefinite Articles   Definite Articles: – An article which is used to refer to a particular person or thing is known as the definite article. Example ‘the’ Indefinite Article: – […]

JSS 3 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)


Plot: The plot is the arrangement of the story of the play. The summary of the story line of the play is expected to be arranged orderly so as to avoid confusion – a story line is expected to have a beginning, the middle and an end. Theme: This is also called subject matter. It […]

JSS 3 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)


DIPHTHONGS The diphthongs or impure vowels are eight. A diphthong represents a sound that consists of a movement or glide from one vowel quality to another. It has been observed that during the glide, the first vowel sound is given more prominence than the sound vowel sound. Thus in pronouncing vowel 13, /ei/ for example, […]

JSS 3 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)


Writing is a form of persuasive communication. There is always a point of view to project and which the writer wants the reader to understand. In other words, we write for a reader. The success of writing is therefore best judged by how well the reader understands the message we are trying to send by […]

JSS 3 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)


The word noun is derived from a Latin word “nomeri” (a name). a noun can therefore, simply be defined as the name of anything. It may be concrete, real or tangible such as Ayo, Lagos, Book, Teacher, Pupil, Water etc. It may be abstract, intangible or imaginary such as Hope, Fear, Belief, Wish, Idea, Thought, […]

SS 2 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)

STRUCTURE | Clauses – Subordinate and Insubordinate

A clause is a group of words that has a subject and a finite verb and which forms part of a sentence e.g. The referee blew his whistle and the match stopped. Clauses are of two types: Independent and Dependent Independent/Insubordinate Clauses: This is a clause that expresses a complete thought and can stand on […]

SS 2 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)

Structure: Affixation: Suffixes

This refers to the addition of prefixes, suffixes and infixes to words leading to new words, meaning and word classes.   Examples (verbs) verbs+  –ment e.g. Enslavement, achievement Management, movement Development verbs + –ion e.g. Action Conclusion Decision verbs+  –ation organise = organisation document = documentation mobilize = mobilization verb+–age marry = marriage drain = […]

SS 2 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)

Structure: Idioms

An idiom is a phrase or group of words whose meaning cannot be deduced from the individual meanings of the words in the phrase. The following are few examples of idiomatic expressions. To play the ostrich – avoiding reality or danger To play God – to act like you all-powerful To leave no stone unturned […]

SS 2 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)

Vocabulary Development: Hotel & Catering

Room service – this is a service that lets guests order food or drinks and have it delivered to their rooms. Bars – where you go to have a drink in hotels Brochure – a small piece of paper containing advent of local attractions. Continental breakfast – a light breakfast served in a common area […]

SS 2 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)

Speech Sounds /I/ and /I:/ contrasted

The /I:/vowel sound is long while the /I/ is short. They are contrasted using the following words. /I:/                                                                    /I/ eat                                                                   it beat                                                                 bit seat                                                                  sit heel                                                                  hill feel                                                                  fill seen                                                                 sin leave                                                                live wean                                                                win meal                                                                 mill least                                                                 list EVALUATION Write out five more examples to contrast these two sounds. Essay Writing: Expository: Raising a […]

SS 2 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)

Vocabulary Development: Words Associated with Films and TV

Slanting the news – expressing the news in a biased or prejudiced way so as to mislead the public censor – to approve whatever is published or broadcast before it is made public. Curtail – restrict Director – A person who directs the performance of a movie Producer – a person who has general control […]

SS 2 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)

Structure: Adjectival Clause

An adjectival clause performs the functions of an adjective i.e. it qualifies a noun or its equivalents. An adjectival clause begins with a relative pronoun such as who, which, that, whose, where, whom etc. hence it is called a (defining) relative clause as well. This clause is not separated by a comma from the noun […]

SS 2 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)

Essay Writing: Story Writing

A story is a description of events and people that a writer or speaker has invented in order to advocate or entertain. Examples include love story, detective story, adventure, science fiction story e.t.c.   There are two types of story writing  that are tested by WAEC and NECO: A story that is meant to illustrate […]

SS 2 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)

Speech Work: Stress Placement on Two or More Syllable Words

In this lesson, we will explain the morphophonemic approach at identifying a stressed syllable. In this approach, stress placement is determined as a result of the occurrence and arrangement of vowels (short, long, diphthongs) and consonants in syllables.   Guidelines A   (i) For two syllable words, Simple Adjectives, Adverbs and Prepositions, Stress the first syllable […]

SS 2 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)

Grammar: Rules of Concord

Concord is the agreement of the subject with the verb in a sentence   Rules When the subject is in the third person and singular, the verb in the present takes ‘s’ or ‘-es’ e.g. Monica listens attentively. When the subject is in the first person, second person and third person plural number, the base […]

SS 2 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)

The Use of the Dictionary

A dictionary is a book that gives a list of the words of a language in alphabetical order and explains what they mean or gives a word for them in a foreign language:e.g a French- English dictionary.   A common dictionary typically has following structure. Word entry i.e the word to be explained is written […]

SS 2 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)

Structure: Prepositional Phrase

A prepositional phrase is a group of words, which begins with a preposition and ends with a noun pronoun or noun phrase called its complement.   Examples Preposition + Noun He is in trouble. Trust in me. Preposition + Pronoun Please, bear with me. Go after them. Preposition + Noun Phrase She is always yelling […]

SS 2 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)

Writing: Article Writing

Definition, Features, Sample Question,Outline An article is a type of writing that is meant to be published in a school magazines, a newspaper or a journal.   Basic Features It must have a heading It must have an introductory paragraph Its body should contain at least three well development paragraphs which should serve as the […]

SS 2 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)

Vocabulary Development: Prefixes

A prefix is a group of letters or syllable which is attached to the front of a root word to form another word which usually changes its meaning.   The following are examples with their meaning. Prefix                    Meaning                     New Words/Derivative un-                         not                               unhappy, untrue dis-                        not                               discomfort, dislike non-                       not                               nonsense, non-smoker mis-                       wrong                          mismanage, […]


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