Synonyms are words that have almost the same meaning but different spelling and pronunciation.

Examples: Slender – thin               finish – end                  sick –ill

Some words have several synonyms.

For example, happy has such synonyms words like light-hearted, pleased, and cheerful.

Synonyms help vary the writing, just like pronouns do.

For example, the word happy and its synonyms help vary the writing.

Daniel felt happy – Daniel felt light-hearted.

She was happy with her grade – She was pleased with her grade.

They sang a happy song – They sang a cheerful song.

Examples of common synonyms in English 


Give the synonyms of the following words:

  1. Start 6. Collect
  2. Come 7. Assist
  3. Lengthy 8. Build
  4. Shattered 9. Reply
  5. Fix 10. Purchase



  1. Start – begin 6. Collect – gather
  2. Come – arrive 7. Assist – help
  3. Lengthy – long 8. Build – construct
  4. Shattered – broken 9. Reply – answer
  5. Fix – repair 10. Purchase – buy
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