Self-esteem refers to the perception, view or judgment a person makes about him or herself that affects his/her relationship with other people. It is the recognition of one’s qualities and it includes values, goals, talents, worth, physical make up and purpose in life.


There are basically two types of self-esteem: High self-esteem and low-self esteem.

High self-esteem: This is a situation where a person attaches high sense of worth and value to him or herself. An individual with high self-esteem recognizes his or her own strength and skill and can accept and acknowledge successes and achievement. Such a person responds confidently to challenges and problem and practices positive thinking.

Low self-esteem: This is when a person  experiences feeling of worthlessness, inadequacy, helplessness, inferiority, and a sense of being unable to improve his/her situation.


  1. The family as a primary agent of socialization affects the self esteem of member.
  2. The society: the norms of the society and where we fit in affects our self-esteem.
  3. Gender roles as defined by culture or law affects our self esteem.
  4. Mass media is a powerful factor that affects and shapes one’s self-esteem.
  5. Religious organizations and their teaching affect one’s self-esteem.
  6. The economic background or social class a person belongs to affects his self-esteem.
  7. Individual’s achievement is another factor that affects self-esteem.


  1. Accept yourself as you are.
  2. Identify your strength and weaknesses.
  3. Identify your values and behave according to them.
  4. Set realistic goals and strive to achieve them.
  5. Develop your abilities and be proud of them.
  6. Select realistic role models.
  7. Cultivate positive relationship.
  8. Be pleased with whom you are.
  9. Accept complements.