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Computer Ethics

    1. Security and Ethics:

    Security refers to the protection of computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, attacks, and damage. It involves measures and practices that aim to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of digital assets. Ethical considerations come into play when making decisions about security practices. Ethical behaviour in the context of security involves respecting privacy, avoiding harm, and adhering to laws and regulations. For instance, ethical hacking involves testing systems for vulnerabilities with the permission of the owner to help improve security.

    1. Sources of Security Breaches – Viruses, Worms, and Trojans:

    Viruses, worms, and Trojans are types of malicious software that can lead to security breaches:

    1. Viruses: These are programs that attach themselves to legitimate files and spread when those files are executed. They can corrupt or delete data and spread to other files and systems.
    2. Worms: Worms are self-replicating malicious programs that spread over networks, exploiting vulnerabilities in software. They can consume network resources and disrupt services.
    3. Trojans: Trojans are disguised as legitimate software but contain malicious code. They often trick users into running them, giving hackers unauthorized access to systems.
    4. Poorly Implemented or Lack of ICT Policy:

    An ICT (Information and Communication Technology) policy outlines guidelines and rules for using technology in an organization. A poorly implemented or lacking ICT policy can lead to security vulnerabilities. Without clear guidelines, employees might engage in risky behaviours, use unauthorized software, or ignore security practices. A well-defined policy helps prevent security breaches by providing a framework for secure technology usage.

    1. Preventive Measures – Legal Issues, Web Contents, Privacy Crime, Hacking, Crime:

    Various preventive measures are in place to address security concerns:

    1. Legal Issues: Legal frameworks, regulations, and standards exist to hold individuals and organizations accountable for security breaches. Data protection laws, for example, require entities to safeguard personal information.
    2. Web Contents: Ensuring secure web content involves using encryption (HTTPS) to protect data in transit and regularly updating software to fix security vulnerabilities.
    3. Privacy Crime: Preventing privacy crimes involves protecting sensitive personal information from unauthorized access, often through encryption, access controls, and regular security audits.
    4. Hacking: Ethical hacking, or penetration testing, involves authorized individuals attempting to exploit vulnerabilities in systems to identify weaknesses before malicious hackers can.
    5. Cybercrime: Preventing cybercrimes like identity theft, fraud, and cyberattacks requires a combination of technical measures (firewalls, intrusion detection systems) and user education to recognize and avoid threats.

    Overall, a combination of technical measures, policies, ethical considerations, and legal frameworks is crucial to maintaining security, protecting user privacy, and preventing various forms of cybercrime.

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