What is communicable diseases?. Communicable diseases are those that are easily passed on from person to person or from host to person. A host refers to a carrier of disease causing organisms (germs).
The common communicable diseases are:
Signs and symptoms of communicable diseases
- Severe abdominal pains
- Fever
- Nausea
- Loss of appetite
- Diarrhoea
- Dehydration
- Violent vomiting
- Acute diarrohea
- Abdominal pain
- Headaches
- General body weakness
Prevention and Control of Dysentery, Cholera and Typhoid
– Practice proper disposal of human waste – Treat water for domestic use – Observe proper hygiene practices – Ensure regular medical checkups for food handlers
Scabies is a skin disease which manifests itself in form of rashes which form blisters and sores.
Itchy skin Rashes which form blisters and sores
This is a skin disease which manifests itself in form of whitish round rings) on the infected area.
- Itching of the infected areas
- Whitish round ring(s) on the infected area
- Loss of hair on the infected area
Skin diseases
Some skin diseases are contracted through body contact, improper hygiene and by sharing personal items.
These include:
- Prevention and Control of Skin Diseases
- Practice personal hygiene;
- Avoid sharing personal items such as, combs, clothes and many others;
- Disinfect / sterilize personal items occasionally;
- Seek medical attention.