Features of unseen Prose

.           The following are some of features of unseen prose.

(i)         Suspense: This technique involves the creating of expectation through       deliberate delay of information. It is commonly used to provoke reader             participation.

(ii)        Flash back: This is a narrative techniques use to bring into focus earlier      occurrence in the course of a chronological sequence of events. It involves            injecting past happenings in the life of a character into the present.

(iii)       Foreshadowing: By this device a writer provides hints in the story about a   further happenings. It gives the reader an intimacy on an event which is to    follow on later in the action.

(iv)       Interior Monologue: This involves a cheater talking alone. It is mostly used in          drama where it is called a dramatic monologue. It is also known as “stream of consciousness” and it perfect form.

(v)        Dialogue: Mostly used in drama dialogue involves a verbalex change between       two or more people in a work of art.

(vi)       Digression: This is a narrative technique that involves deliberate presentation         that of ideas or situation which do not involve the main plot.

(vii)      Point of view: This refers to the angle or perceptive from which the story is            told. It underscores the use of narrator or stay teller who could be the author            or is characterizes are told through any of the following:

*           Participant point of view (Ist person narrative techniques)

*           Non-Participant point of view

–           The third person, narrative method e.g. using (He She, and they)

–           Ominiscent point of view: Method of storytelling that give narrator the                     all knowing power of God and could see the inner recesses of the                                 character

(viii)     Parable: This is a short fictitious story tell moral or religious principles.

(ix)       Myth: Traditionally, it means stories about gods or contrived scope of         reasoning.



Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the question’s which follow:

The raven came flying around the hills in raiding parties; sometimes, I think with the express purpose of annoying the falcons which nest there. The falcons quick to anger at any time, were obviously in a heat of fury when the ravens came scouting along the cliff. Hunting down time after, the wing almost closed. The falcon would attempt to drive away the raven. The latter, however, flew unconcernedly to and fro; only at the last split second of each falcon’s ready for the death blow, did the raven turn over sideway to present that remarkable wedge of break which could transfix the falcon were it to continue its wild descend. But the falcon, knowing its match, does not strike an adult raven, though it may kill a young one which has not yet acquired the agility characteristic of its race Question:

  1. Describe brief it in your own words.

(a)        The falcon’s method of attack

(b)        The raven’s method of defense

(c)        Two qualifies which, in the opinion of the write, are possessed by falcons.

  1. Discuss the author’s style of writing stating whether his story has been a success or a failure


See also

Stress in Word of Seven Syllable