School health programme can be defined as the health activities for the child and staff for the benefit of both with the purpose of promoting teaching and learning.

It can equally be defined as all health practice and services available in the school to promote the health of the students and the staff of the school. The following people are involved in school health programme:

  • The principal
  • The teachers
  • The school doctor
  • School nurse
  • The health counselors
  • Labourers/others

Components of School Health Programme

A school health programme has been conveniently divided into four interrelated areas:

  • Healthful school environment
  • Health services
  • School health education
  • School community relationship.

School Health Education: This aspect deals with the provision of knowledge, health attitude and practices to the pupils or students.

School Health Services: This is concerned the provision of health services in the school for the well-being of the child and staff. It involves provision of emergency care, protection from communicable diseases, counseling and child’s health assessment.

Healthful School Environment: This aspect involves the provision of a clean physical environment and healthy human interaction between the school staff and pupils.

School Community Relationship: This deals with relating school health as an aspect of community health. It is aimed at relating school health problems to that of the community for the good of the child, parents and the school.

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