Woodrow Wilson | US 28th President, Biography, Early Life, Presidency, Achievements & Failures

Woodrow Wilson: The 28th President of the United States

Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, was a prominent political figure whose presidency significantly impacted the nation during a crucial period of American history. He led the nation through World War I and played a pivotal role in shaping international relations through the League of Nations. This article delves into his life, achievements, policies, and enduring legacy.

Early Life and Education:

Thomas Woodrow Wilson was born on December 28, 1856, in Staunton, Virginia. He grew up in a devout Presbyterian family with a strong academic focus. Wilson attended Davidson College in North Carolina before transferring to Princeton University, where he excelled academically. After graduating, he studied law at the University of Virginia and earned his law degree from Johns Hopkins University.

Academic and Political Career:

Wilson had a successful academic career, becoming a renowned scholar and professor of political science. He served as the President of Princeton University from 1902 to 1910, where he introduced significant reforms and made the institution a more prestigious and progressive center of learning.

In 1910, he was elected as the Governor of New Jersey, displaying progressive governance and advocating for various reforms. His effective leadership gained him national attention, and he emerged as the Democratic candidate for the presidency in 1912.

Presidency and Key Policies:

Woodrow Wilson assumed the presidency on March 4, 1913, focusing on implementing his ‘New Freedom’ agenda, which aimed to enhance antitrust measures, reform the banking system, and reduce tariffs. The Underwood Tariff Act of 1913 and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 were significant pieces of legislation passed during his first term.

One of Wilson’s most enduring legacies was his handling of international affairs during World War I. Initially adopting a policy of neutrality, he ultimately led the United States into the war in 1917, advocating for a world “safe for democracy.” Wilson’s Fourteen Points, presented in January 1918, outlined his vision for post-war peace and became a basis for the Treaty of Versailles, which ended the war.

League of Nations and Treaty of Versailles:

Woodrow Wilson played a pivotal role in the creation of the League of Nations, an international organization aimed at promoting world peace and preventing future conflicts. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1919 for his efforts to establish this organization. However, the U.S. Senate’s rejection of the Treaty of Versailles and refusal to join the League of Nations limited the effectiveness of Wilson’s vision for international peace.

Later Years and Legacy:

Following his presidency, Wilson remained active in public life and championed the League of Nations until his health deteriorated. He passed away on February 3, 1924.

Woodrow Wilson’s legacy is complex and debated. While he made significant contributions to domestic policy, including progressive reforms and advancements in the financial system, his handling of race relations and civil liberties has faced criticism. Additionally, his efforts for global peace and the establishment of the League of Nations, despite facing opposition at home, marked a profound shift in U.S. foreign policy.

Marriage and Family

Woodrow Wilson’s personal life, including his marriage and family, played a significant role in shaping his character and presidency.


Woodrow Wilson married Ellen Louise Axson on June 24, 1885. Ellen was an artist and a musician, and the couple had a strong intellectual and emotional bond. They had three daughters: Margaret, Jessie, and Eleanor. Their marriage was a partnership built on mutual respect and shared interests.

Ellen Wilson was an important influence on her husband, particularly in matters related to social reform and racial equality. She encouraged Wilson’s interests in political science and public service. Sadly, Ellen passed away in 1914 while Wilson was in his first term as President, leaving him deeply bereaved.

Second Marriage:

Less than a year after Ellen’s passing, in December 1915, Wilson married Edith Bolling Galt, a widow and descendant of a prominent Virginia family. Edith played a vital role during Wilson’s presidency, especially after he suffered a severe stroke in 1919, assisting in managing his schedule and decisions while shielding the extent of his illness from the public.

Family Life:

Woodrow Wilson was a devoted father to his three daughters. Margaret, the eldest, married a Princeton University professor and later a renowned diplomat. Jessie, the middle daughter, was a prolific writer. Eleanor, the youngest, followed her father’s footsteps in becoming a lawyer.

Wilson’s family life was a source of support and stability for him, especially during his presidency, a demanding and challenging period. He valued their presence and often sought solace and advice within the close-knit family circle.

However, like many prominent historical figures, Wilson’s personal life was not without controversy. Critics have scrutinized his stance on race relations and the impact of policies such as segregation in the federal government during his presidency. Despite his progressive policies, Wilson’s views and actions concerning race remain a subject of historical analysis and debate.

Woodrow Wilson’s marriage to Ellen Axson and later to Edith Bolling Galt, as well as his role as a father to his three daughters, shaped his personal life and influenced his presidency. His relationships with his family members and the values he imparted to them were reflective of the man he was and the decisions he made during his time as the 28th President of the United States.

Achievements & Failures of his Presidency

Woodrow Wilson’s presidency (1913-1921) was marked by both notable achievements and significant failures, shaping the United States during a critical period in its history.


1. New Freedom Reforms:
Wilson initiated a series of progressive reforms under the “New Freedom” agenda, aimed at curbing the power of big businesses and promoting competition. Key legislative accomplishments included the Underwood Tariff Act, which significantly reduced tariffs, and the Federal Reserve Act, which reformed the nation’s banking system and established the Federal Reserve to oversee monetary policy.

2. Federal Trade Commission (FTC):
The creation of the FTC was a significant achievement during Wilson’s presidency. The FTC was established to regulate and monitor unfair business practices, promoting fair competition and consumer protection.

3. Clayton Antitrust Act:
The Clayton Antitrust Act strengthened antitrust laws by specifying prohibited anti-competitive behaviors and exempting labor unions and agricultural organizations from antitrust prosecution. It aimed to curb monopolistic practices and protect small businesses.

4. Income Tax Reform:
Wilson championed and signed into law the Revenue Act of 1913, introducing the modern federal income tax system. This landmark legislation introduced a graduated income tax, making the wealthy pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes.

5. Women’s Suffrage:
While not fully realized during Wilson’s presidency, he supported the suffrage movement. In 1918, he publicly endorsed women’s suffrage, contributing to the eventual passage of the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote in 1920.


1. Racial Policies:
Wilson’s presidency was marred by deeply problematic racial policies. He allowed the segregation of federal offices, rolling back progress made by previous administrations. His support for the discriminatory screening of African Americans in federal employment was a severe failure that perpetuated racial prejudice.

2. Handling of World War I:
Initially adopting a policy of neutrality, Wilson ultimately led the United States into World War I in 1917, citing the need to make the world “safe for democracy.” The war resulted in significant loss of life and economic disruption, and some critics argue that the U.S. involvement may have been avoidable or handled differently.

3. League of Nations and Treaty of Versailles:
Wilson’s advocacy for the League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles marked a critical point in his presidency. However, his failure to secure Senate approval for U.S. involvement in the League of Nations dealt a blow to his vision of international cooperation and the prevention of future conflicts.

4. Suppression of Civil Liberties:
In response to dissent and opposition during World War I, Wilson oversaw a crackdown on civil liberties through the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918. These laws restricted freedom of speech and assembly, leading to the imprisonment of individuals expressing anti-war or dissenting views.

Woodrow Wilson’s presidency brought about notable legislative achievements and reforms that have had a lasting impact on the country. However, it was also marred by failures in racial policies, handling of international conflicts, and the erosion of civil liberties during a time of war. His legacy is one of both progress and controversy, reflecting the complexities of his time in office.

Post-Presidential Life and Death

Following his presidency, Woodrow Wilson’s life continued to be eventful, marked by personal and public endeavors, albeit hindered by health challenges. Here’s an overview of his post-presidential life and eventual passing:

Post-Presidential Life:

1. Academic and Literary Pursuits:
After leaving office in 1921, Wilson retired to Washington, D.C., where he began writing his memoirs, recounting his political experiences and providing insight into his presidency. He also gave lectures and continued his involvement in academic and intellectual pursuits.

2. League of Nations Advocacy:
Wilson remained a vocal proponent of the League of Nations, delivering speeches and rallying for its acceptance. He undertook a nationwide tour in 1919 to gain public support for the League and the Treaty of Versailles. However, he faced opposition, especially from the Senate, preventing the United States from joining the League of Nations.

3. Stroke and Health Decline:
In October 1919, while on his speaking tour to garner support for the League of Nations, Wilson suffered a severe stroke that left him partially paralyzed. His wife, Edith Wilson, and his physician, Cary Grayson, effectively managed the presidency during his recovery, resulting in a secretive and controversial period of governance known as the “invisible presidency.”

4. Wilsonian Vision and Legacy:
Wilson spent his post-presidential years promoting his vision of international cooperation and a world order aimed at preventing future conflicts. Despite his failure to secure U.S. participation in the League of Nations, his ideals paved the way for the eventual creation of the United Nations after World War II.


Woodrow Wilson’s health continued to deteriorate following his stroke, leaving him largely incapacitated. He spent his remaining years at his residence in Washington, D.C., where he passed away on February 3, 1924, at the age of 67.


Woodrow Wilson’s legacy is a subject of historical debate. He is remembered for his visionary leadership, progressive domestic policies, and contributions to international relations. His efforts to establish the League of Nations and promote a peaceful world order have left a lasting impact on global diplomacy.

However, Wilson’s legacy is also marred by controversies, particularly regarding racial policies, including the segregation of federal offices during his presidency. Despite these challenges, Wilson’s influence on American governance and his contributions to shaping the course of the nation and the world during a critical era remain significant aspects of his enduring legacy.


Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, left a lasting and complex legacy in American history. From his progressive domestic reforms to his ambitious vision for international cooperation, his impact on the nation and the world was undeniable. However, his legacy is a multifaceted one, encompassing both significant accomplishments and deeply troubling failures.

Wilson’s presidency saw transformative domestic policies, aiming to level the economic playing field and improve governance. He introduced key reforms through the New Freedom agenda, shaping economic and financial landscapes with policies like the Underwood Tariff Act and the Federal Reserve Act. Additionally, he advocated for women’s suffrage, laying the groundwork for eventual enfranchisement.

On the international stage, Wilson’s vision of a world “safe for democracy” led the United States into World War I. His subsequent effort to establish the League of Nations showcased his commitment to preventing future global conflicts, earning him the Nobel Peace Prize.

However, these achievements are tempered by shortcomings. Wilson’s racial policies, including the segregation of federal offices, and the suppression of civil liberties during World War I raise questions about his commitment to equality and freedom. Furthermore, his inability to gain Senate approval for U.S. participation in the League of Nations challenged his vision for global cooperation.

Woodrow Wilson’s post-presidential years were marked by persistent efforts to promote international collaboration despite his declining health. His passing in 1924 did not mark the end of his influence, as his ideas and vision continued to resonate in the formation of the United Nations and subsequent diplomatic endeavors.

Woodrow Wilson’s presidency encapsulates a significant era in American history, illustrating the tension between progressive ideals and the complexities of real-world governance. His legacy is a testament to the lasting impact of a leader’s actions, ideas, and policies, both in shaping a nation and influencing the broader course of global affairs.

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