Vocabulary Development: Hotel & Catering

  1. Room service – this is a service that lets guests order food or drinks and have it delivered to their rooms.
  2. Bars – where you go to have a drink in hotels
  3. Brochure – a small piece of paper containing advent of local attractions.
  4. Continental breakfast – a light breakfast served in a common area like a dining room.
  5. Buffet – consists of many different kinds of food, and guests serve themselves
  6. Spa – for relaxation might offer massages or a sauna (i.e. small room filled with hot steam)
  7. Reception – is where guests are greeted and allotted rooms. It is also called the front desk.
  8. Banquet/meeting room – a large room used for big events such as conferences or weddings.
  9. Making a reservation – means booking a room when you want to stay in a hotel.
  10. Check in – to hire a hotel room to stay in.
  11. Cuisine – a characteristic style of preparing food, often associated with a place of origin e.g. French cuisine
  12. Turndown service – is a service of remaking the beds after use by the housekeepers/hotel attendants.


Find out the meanings of the following words: suite, balcony, toiletries, kitchenette, catering, receptionist, concierge, booking a room, check out, and room number.

  1. Summary Writing: Summarizing to Get Implied Meaning. Pg. 158 – 160, Effective English

The passage is about Wole Soyinka and the way he is perceived, his work is so well as his people have attempted to study him to understand his work. Several writers or critics have tried but have not been quite successful in describing him.


Read the passage and answer the questions on it.

  1. STRUCTURE: Prepositional Phrase

Content: Definition, Examples

A prepositional phrase is a group of words, which begins with a preposition and ends with a noun pronoun or noun phrase called its complement.


  1. Preposition + Noun
  • He is in trouble.
  • Trust in me.
  1. Preposition + Pronoun
  • Please, bear with me.
  • Go after them.
  1. Preposition + Noun Phrase
  • She is always yelling at the girls.
  • We are at the farm.

Other Types

  1. Preposition + Wh clause e.g. He was surprised at what she told his friend.
  2. Preposition + ing clause e.g. He needs a truck for transporting gravel.

Grammatical Functions

A prepositional phrase can serve as a modifier (as an adjective, or adverb) or a complement of a verb or complement of an adjective.

  1. Modifier (adjective)

The man with the hat is our teacher.

(Modifies the noun “man”)

  1. Modifier (adverb)

The police caught the thief in the garden.

(Modifies the verb ‘caught’)

  1. Complement of a verb
  • We believe in what you said.

(Complement of the verb “believe”)

  1. Complement of an adjective

We are sure of his chances.

(Complements sure)


Using examples, show the grammatical functions of prepositional phrases.


  1. Define prepositional phrases giving copious examples.
  2. Identify the grammatical functions of prepositional phrases giving two sentences for each as examples.



Underline the prepositional phrase(s) in each sentence and state their functions.

  1. She often goes to the movie with her husband.
  2. The six children in the house will stay for the party.
  3. She was treated for malaria by the nurse.
  4. Bena is a little girl from England.
  5. He ran to catch the train.


See also.

Speech Sounds /I/ and /I:/ contrasted.

Vocabulary Development: Words Associated with Films and TV

Structure: Adjectival Clause

Essay Writing: Story Writing

Speech Work: Stress Placement on Two or More Syllable Words