
Motion Part

MOTION 1. Force Types of forces. Friction and types. Calculations on friction. Advantages and disadvantages of friction. Ways of reducing friction. Force and the types, Friction and types Force can be defined as that which changes or tends to change the state of rest or uniform motion of a body. Force is a vector quantity […]

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CIRCULAR MOTION 1. Meaning of circular motion Definition of terms Angular velocity ii. Tangential velocity iii. Centripetal acceleration Centripetal force v.  Centrifugal force  vi.  Period  vii. Frequency Calculations on circular motion. Meaning of circular motion Circular motion is the motion of a body around  a cicle. The simplest form of circular motion is the  uniform



MOTION Types of motion: (a) random motion (b) Translational motion  (c). Rotational motion  (d). Oscillatory motion  (e). relative motion Causes and effects of motion. Types of Motion Definition of motion: Motion by definition is a change in the position of a body with time. Motion exists in various forms and occurs in the three states

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