JSS 3 Basic Technology (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Basic Technology (Introductory Technology)

Processing of wood

Defects in wood: wood defects Timber is far from being a stable and consistent material. One of the biggest challenges of working with timber is learning to work within the constraints of a timber’s. The following are a list of the most common wood defects. BOW (BOWING) The curvature of a piece of sawn timber […]

JSS 3 Basic Technology (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Basic Technology (Introductory Technology)

Processing of Wood

Wood processing is an engineering discipline comprising the production of forest products, such as pulp and paper, construction materials, and tall oil. Paper engineering is a subfield of wood processing. The major wood product categories are: sawn timber, wood-based panels, wood chips, paper and paper products and miscellaneous others including poles and railway sleepers. Forest product processing technologies have undergone extraordinary advances […]


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