Parts of speech

All the parts of speech are:

  • Noun (2) pronoun                        (3) verbs                              (4)adjective

(5) adverb   (6) preposition  (7) conjunction


We shall consider each one, under our grammar lesson

  • Noun- A noun is a naming word. Nouns are the names of people e.g man, woman, Ali etc. names of animals e.g horse, dog, cat etc. mane of things e.g. house, tree, blackboard etc.


Function of a Noun

  1. A noun can function as a subject in a sentence

A subject is the doer of an action.

E.g. Wale is in the class

‘Wale’ is a noun and it occupies the subject position of the sentence.

  1. A noun can also function as object in a sentence

An object is the RECEIVER of an action.

E.g. The teacher slapped Wale

“The action of slapping” is received by Wale hence,

Wale is the object of the sentence.


Types of nouns

We have the following types of nouns:

  1. Common noun: refers to any examples of class of persons (boy, girl), places (stadium, city)
  2. Proper noun: refers to the particular person (Wale, Emeka) particular places (Lagos, Ogun). Particular week day (Friday, Sunday), particular title (Balogun, Otunba)
  • Abstract noun: These are noun that are cannot see or torch but we can feel them, they also show our emotion e.g. happy, joy, sorrow etc.
  1. Countable Nouns: these are nouns we can count e.g. table, chair, biro, etc.
  2. Uncountable nouns: these are nouns that we cannot count e.g. water, oil, rice, beans etc.


Group the following under proper nouns, common nouns, collective nouns and abstract noun. There are 20 nouns in each group


Student can now give example of some type of nouns and they can use them in sentence.



Explain the following type of nouns with adequate examples.

  • Collective noun
  • Abstract noun
  • Proper noun
  • Common noun

PRONOUNS are words that are used in place of a noun. They are usually used to avoid repetition. Look at these sentences   :

The man came to our class. The man looked at every student, the man sat down. Instead of repeating the word “man” we use “He” .He is a pronoun. Other examples of pronouns are: he, she, they, it, you, us, them, e.t.c .

We can read up on pronouns from our NOSEC {Page 44-46}. Other parts of speech will also be discussed in our subsequent lessons.


Moral objectives

Nouns are member of the open class and even from the beginning when God commanded Adam to give names to the animals and this was brought up till now and man is still identifying and distinguishing many things – hence he is still giving the names of many things and inventions.






Listening and speaking