JSS 3 French (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) French Language (All Classes)


Le and la change to l’ when there are used in front of a word starting with a vowel and most words starting with h.

Le is used in front of masculine singular nous.

Le roi               –           the king

Le chien          –           the dog

Le jardin          –           the garden


Singular Le (l’) La (l’)
Plural Les les


Le and la change to l’ when there are used in front of a word starting with a vowel and most words starting with h.

  • Le is used in front of masculine singular nous.

Le roi               –           the king

Le chien          –           the dog

Le jardin          –           the garden

  • La is used in fron or feminine

L’ami (masculine) the friend

L’eau (feminine) the water

L’etage (masculine) the floor

note that l’ is also used in front of most words starting with h but some others take le or la instead

l’ hopita           –           the hospital

le hamster        –           the hamster

a hi-fi               –           the stereo


It is a good idea to learn the article or the gender with the noun when you come across a word for the first time, so that you know whether it is masculine or feminine.  A good dictionary will also give you this information.

  • Les is used in front of plural nouns whether they are masculine or feminine and whatever letter they start with.

Les chines       –           the dogs

Les portes        –           the doors

Les amis          –           the friends

Les hotels        –           the hotels

Using a with le, la l’ and les

  • The French word a is translated into English in several different ways including at or to. There are special rules when you use it together with le and les
  • When a’ is followed by le, the two words become au.

Au cinema                   –           to/at the cinema

Aux professeurs          –           to the teachers

  • When a’ is followed by les, the two words become aux

Aux maisons               –           to the house

Aux etudiants             –           to the students

  • When a’ is followed by la or l’, the words do not change.

a’ la bibliotheque                    –           to/at the library

a’ l’ hotel                                 –           to/at the hotel



Ecrivez 10 noms avec le et la

a’ + le = au

a’ + les = aux

de + le = du

de + les = des


See also

L’adjectif Demonstratis


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