SS 2 Computer Studies/Information Technology (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term)

Types of Secondary Storage

SECONDARY MEMORY Secondary memory or storage is the non – volatile memory that stored externally from the computer. A secondary – storage medium is usually used for the storage of large amount of data or for permanent or long – time storage of data or programs. It is also used for storing backups. Secondary storage […]

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There are different internet or web browsers to browse the internet. Some of the most popular ones are: Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera and Firefox, Nescape Navigator.   FEATURES IN A BROWER WINDOW IE has many different Parts, most of which you know e.g The Title bar, Status Bar, Menu Bar and standard tool bar;

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Logic Gate

These are gates that are formed from combination of two logic gates. There are two types of alternative logic gate: NAND GATE A NAND gate is the combination of an AND gate and NOT gate. It operates the same as an AND gate but the output will be opposite. Remember, the NOT gate does not

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BASIC has a number of built in functions that greatly extend its capability. These functions perform such varied task as taking the square root of a number, counting the number of characters in a string, and capitalizing letters. Functions associate with one or more values, called input, a single value called output.   NUMERIC FUNCTIONS:


Memory Unit

 Memory is the part of the computer that holds data and instructions for processing. It stores program and instructions or data for only as long as the program they pertain to is in operation.   TYPES OF MEMORY a.    Primary Memory b.   Secondary Memory   (a) PRIMARY MEMORY This is the memory that can be

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Computer Input Devices

Sections of the Keyboard The Keyboard is divided into five sections; I.            Alphanumeric keys( Alphabet and Numbers): consist of alphabet (a-z) and numbers (0-9) II.            Function keys F1-f12: they are twelve in number f1-F12 and are located horizontally on the first row of the enhanced keyboards. On standard keyboard they are labeled F1-F10 III.            Control

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Computer Hardware and Software

Definition of Computer hardware This refers to the physical units or components which make up the computer configuration. The term hardware refers to the tangible parts of a computer that can be seen and touched. Examples of hardware components Monitor Motherboard CPU( Central Processing Unit) RAM( Random Access Memory) Expansion Cards Power Supply Optical Disk

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