STI means Sexually Transmitted Infections. It is also known as Sexually Transmitted Diseases. They are infections or diseases that are sexually transmitted through unprotected sex or genital contact. Most people don’t experience any symptoms, so they are unaware they are infected.


In women, it can cause pain or a burning sensation when urination, a vaginal discharge, pain in the lower abdomen during and after sex and bleeding during or after sex. It can also cause heavy period. In man, it can cause pain or a burning sensation when wasting, a white cloudy or watery discharge from the tip of the penis, and pain or tenderness in the testicles. It can cause infertility if left untreated. Examples of such infection are chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis etc. condoms are best way to avoid STI, they are not just for stopping pregnancy.



  1. It can be caused by sexual intercourse.
  2. Transmission of body fluid.
  3. Can be caused through kissing (Viral Hepatitis – Herpes, Saliva).
  4. From a pregnant or breastfeeding woman to her baby.



Inability to get pregnant.



  1. Not having sex
  2. The use of some vaccinations which may decrease the risk of certain infections.
  3. Having safer sex with the use of condoms.
  4. Having a small number of sexual partners.



Small fluid-filled bluster, headaches, backaches, itching, tingling sensation in the genital or anal area.

Flu like swollen glands or fever.

HIV means Human Immune Deficiency Virus.This destroys the immune system of man and makes it easier for AIDS i.e. Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome to come in.

The hallmark of HIV infection is the progressive loss of the immune cell that makes it unable to fight off infections and other diseases that take advantage of a weakened immune system. One is said to have AIDS if he is tested positive to HIV.



  1. Unprotected sexual intercourse with a carrier. (an already infected person)
  2. Infected mother can transfer it to her unborn baby.
  3. Sharing of sharp objects like needles, razor blade etc. with the carrier.
  4. When infected blood is transfused to another person.



  1. Define HIV
  2. Explain (2) two causes of HIV/AIDS.



  • It results in series of illness.
  • The carriers are always discriminated.
  • A lot of money is spend in treating the carrier.
  • A carrier can lose his job.
  • It creates emotional problems for the carrier and his loved ones.
  • HIV/AIDS can lead to divorce.
  • It can eventually lead to death as it is incurable.



Though HIV/AIDS has no cure, it could be prevented;

  • Singles should abstain from premarital sex while the married ones should be faithful to their spouses.
  • Before blood transfusion, there should be proper screening.
  • Sharp objects use by doctors, barbers, hairdresser, etc. should be sterilized before use.
  • Everyone should also avoid sharing needles or any sharp object.
  • The use of condoms. The act as barriers to prevent exchange of semen and vaginal fluids during sexual intercourse.



  • Discuss how indiscrimination could occur because someone is HIV positive.
  • Explain three (3) preventive methods of HIV/AIDS.



  1. Sex is the only avenue through which one can contact Aids. Discuss.
  2. Explain pre-marital sex.
  3. Which weakens the immune system between H.I.V and AIDS?
  4. List and explain the two (2) aspects of culture.
  5. Give three (3) mineral resources and their locations.



  1. Which of the following does not belong to the causes of HIV/AIDS? A. appropriate use of condom
  2. transfusion of infected blood to uninfected person C. mother to child transmission D. sharing unsterilized syringe with HIV positive person     E. unprotected sex with an infected person
  3. One of the following is not a symptom of HIV/AIDS. extreme tiredness    B. prolonged dry cough      C. skin rashes     D. stomach pain    E. swollen lymph glands in the neck
  4. The first case of AIDS in Nigeria was reported in the year ____ A. 1965 1975      C, 1985      D. 2005
  5. A person can contact AIDS in all but one of the following ways. through the use of unsterilized infected sharp objects like injection needle    B. through mosquito bite    C. through transfusion of infected blood    D. through sexual intercourse with a carrier
  6. The full meaning of HIV is _____ A. Human Immune Virus Humanity Introduction Diaspora
  7. Humility in Dangerous Venus D. Human Immune Deficiency Virus
  8. AIDS cannot be cured but managed. Yes     B. No    C. Not sure    D. All of the above
  9. Voluntary Counselling Testing Services can be acquired in all of the following except Health/Medical Institutions     B. Supermarket      C. Youth centres     D. Special clinics
  10. The full meaning of AIDS is Acquired Immuno Deficiency       B. Acquired Investment Development System    C. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome     D. Accelerated Investment Development Strategy



  1. What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
  2. Explain four (4) effects of HIV/AIDS.


See also





Uniqueness of Nigerian Culture