JSS 1 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


Domestic or home accidents—these are accidents that occur in the home, surroundings and neighborhood. Most of the accidents at home are in form of cuts, falls, poison, burns, electric shock, scalds, suffocation and dislocation as a result of slippery surfaces. CAUSES OF DOMESTIC ACCIDENTS Accessibility to sharp instruments like knives, razor blade, cutlass etc. Poorly […]

JSS 2 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


Domestic or home accidents—these are accidents that occur in the home, surroundings and neighborhood. Most of the accidents at home are in form of cuts, falls, poison, burns, electric shock, scalds, suffocation and dislocation as a result of slippery surfaces.   CAUSES OF DOMESTIC ACCIDENTS Accessibility to sharp instruments like knives, razor blade, cutlass etc. […]


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