JSS 2 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Fresh Approach to School Health Programme

The acronym FRESH means focusing resources on effective school health. This is a skilled-based programme activity approach implemented at the school health programme level. It is aimed at improving the health status and educational level of school-age children: especially the  most deprived group of children in the developing world To establish school health programmes, there […]

JSS 2 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Preventive measures against environmental pollution

Ensure good health habit,
Enacting laws against pollution,
Refrain from throwing litter into streams, lakes, rivers or sea,
Avoid using dangerous chemicals,
Educate people,
Legislation against noise

JSS 2 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Effects of Pollution on Environmental and Personal Health

Discomfort and harm to human life,
Destruction of wild life,
Polluted drinking water can cause cholera or typhoid infections and also diarrhea,
Excessive noise pollution can influence psychological health,
Sleeping disorder,
Degradation of farmlands,

JSS 2 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Environmental Pollution

The environment simply refers to our immediate surroundings. Environmental pollution is the contamination of the environment with harmful, toxic, and hazardous substances. Environmental pollution lowers the quality of the air, the land, or the water. Pollution: This can be defined as the release of substances that contaminate the environment and makes living difficult or unpleasant. […]

JSS 2 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Personal, School and Community Health

SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAMME School health programme can be defined as a programme of health activities designed and executed purposely to improve on the health status of the school child. The programme is about how to protect the health of a child and teach him or her to protect and promote his or her own health. […]

JSS 2 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Equipment, Facilities, Rules & Officials of Tennis

EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES OF TENNIS These are; Tennis court The racket The ball Post and net Sports wear The towels The rest rooms for the players and officials The players stands The umpire stand RULES AND REGULATIONS IN TENNIS The court must be of the required standard measurement for singles and doubles with other facilities […]

JSS 2 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Equipment, Rules and Regulations, & Officials in Table Tennis

EQUIPMENT IN TABLE TENNIS Table tennis equipment consist of; Table tennis bat Table tennis Ball Table tennis Net Table tennis board The playing court Socks and canvas The towels The net supports The Sports wear RULES OF TABLE TENNIS The choice of playing position at the table and order of service are determined by the […]

JSS 2 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


Table tennis is an indoor game played on a table board by two opposing players as a single or by two pair of opposing players known as a double game. Table tennis involves hitting the ball over a net from one half of the table to the other. In the game, the player sends the […]

JSS 2 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


Judo is a martial art in which two opponents use movement, balance and leverage to gain advantage over each other. It was adopted from a traditional Japanese martial art known as jujutsu. Judo, a combative sport founded by a Japanese Professor Jigoro Kano in 1878. Judo became an Olympic sport in 1964 when the game […]

JSS 2 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


Field events are the events which involve the throwing and throwing on the field where the height cleared and distance covered are measure to determine a winner. Field events can be grouped two: THE THROWS: are all the events which involve the throwing of some implements for distance. These implements are called missiles. Examples of […]

JSS 2 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


Domestic or home accidents—these are accidents that occur in the home, surroundings and neighborhood. Most of the accidents at home are in form of cuts, falls, poison, burns, electric shock, scalds, suffocation and dislocation as a result of slippery surfaces.   CAUSES OF DOMESTIC ACCIDENTS Accessibility to sharp instruments like knives, razor blade, cutlass etc. […]

JSS 2 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


First aid This is the immediate and temporary care given to an accident victim or to a person who suddenly becomes sick until medical attention is provided by a qualified doctor or health practitioner. Safety- simply refers to the measures that are taken in other to be free from all types of danger in the […]

JSS 2 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


DIFFERENT TYPES OF DANCE ACTIVITIES  DANCE—dance is the movement of the body and feet to conform with the style of beats, songs and music. The different types of dance activities are Pre-colonial or folk/traditional dance- This is dancing to the rhythm of traditional beats or music produced by crude or local instruments like Agogo, Sekere, […]

JSS 2 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


TYPES OF RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES AND EXAMPLES RECREATION- is the activity a person participates in voluntarily without monetary gain. It provides pleasure and amusement during the leisure time. LEISURE- Leisure is defined as the free time left over after the day`s work. DANCE-Is the act of moving the body in rhythmic pattern to the tempo of […]


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