Biology SS 3 Biology (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term)

Balance in Nature | Biotic Factors, Abiotic Factors, Family Planning & Birth Control


In the realm of nature, a state of dynamic equilibrium prevails. When environmental conditions influenced by population dynamics, encompassing both abiotic and biotic elements, are propitious, growth is encouraged. Conversely, when these conditions turn unfavourable, growth is hindered. A constraining element that curbs population expansion is termed a “limiting factor.” The amalgamation of all these constraining factors constitutes what is termed “environmental resistance.”

The interplay between abiotic and biotic factors culminates in a state where the population size of organisms strives for a dynamic equilibrium, colloquially referred to as the “balance in nature.” As the population swells, so does the force of environmental resistance. A pertinent example is the depletion of food resources within a population, instigating a competitive struggle that ultimately leads to the demise of the weaker organisms. This cyclical process serves to maintain the population at a relatively steady level.


The term “population” alludes to the collective count of organisms belonging to the same species, coexisting within a designated area at a specific juncture. Within an ecosystem, the conglomeration comprises diverse species’ populations, forging a multifaceted biotic community. When these assorted populations within an established ecosystem display sustained equilibrium, the community attains a state of balance.

The multiplex factors that govern the populace of organisms in a particular habitat collectively constitute “environmental resistance.” These factors are broadly classified into two categories:

Abiotic Factors:

These encompass components such as heat, water, space, light, and nutrients.

  1. Heat: Organisms exhibit a propensity to evade excessively hot environments due to the potential to induce stress or fatality.
  2. Water: Survival rates within any population hinge on water availability. Adequate water supply bolsters population growth, while scarcity precipitates diminution.
  3. Space: Sufficient space is pivotal for normal growth and development. Spatial constraints lead to overpopulation and resultant inter-organism competition.
  4. Light: In the context of plant communities, light assumes paramount significance. Producers’ capacity to synthesize sustenance required by all habitat organisms hinges on light availability. Reduced light intensity culminates in feeble plant growth, impinging upon the overall nourishment supply.
  5. Nutrients: Nutrients in the soil are essential for plant sustenance synthesis. The scarcity of these nutrients imparts deficiency indications in plants, manifesting as stunted growth. Ultimately, this detrimentally influences crop yields.


These factors comprise the actions and interactions of organisms that reverberate upon one another. They encompass a spectrum of dynamics, including food availability, competition, natality, mortality, dispersal, parasites, predators, and pathogens.

  1. Food: This pivotal facet represents the essential substrate requisite for organisms’ sustenance, growth, development, and procreation.
  2. Competition: Competition ensues among organisms due to scarcities in space, sustenance, and other resources within the environment. Such pressures can escalate into confrontations and even cannibalistic behaviours among certain animals.
  3. Natality: The pace of birth, or natality, bears a direct impact on population numbers. Elevated birth rates trigger population growth, which in turn can lead to overcrowding.
  4. Mortality: The rate of mortality, or death, wields a substantial influence. Low death rates contribute to population escalation, whereas high death rates diminish it. However, exceedingly low death rates can trigger shortages in food resources and resultant overcrowding.
  5. Dispersal: Among plants, the dissemination of seeds and fruits through avenues like water, wind, animals, and insects curbs the risk of overcrowding. This mechanism serves to avert excessive population densities.
  6. Parasites: Organisms that subsist on or within another organism (the host) fall within this category. The actions of parasites can induce damage or demise in the host, thereby diminishing the population.
  7. Predators: These organisms prey upon weaker species (the prey). Intensified predation can curtail the population of the prey species.
  8. Pathogens: Pathogenic entities, encompassing bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa, incite diseases. Their influence impinges upon the well-being of other organisms. When pathogenic assaults are rampant, the population of host organisms can be substantially reduced.


Within the natural world, a biological equilibrium manifests through the dynamic of predator and prey. In the realm of human beings, a parallel equilibrium is established through the practices of family planning and birth control. Family planning constitutes a mechanism through which couples ascertain the desired number of offspring and the timing of their arrival.

Birth control, on the other hand, encompasses techniques utilized to prevent a woman from conceiving for the duration she desires.

In the absence of effective family planning, a nation’s population could escalate without restraint, potentially outstripping the capacity of accessible nourishment and resources. This scenario could culminate in famine and loss of life.

Family planning is a crucial approach that prioritizes preventing pregnancies rather than terminating established life. It operates on the fundamental principle of empowering individuals and couples with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions about when and how to expand their families. Through meticulously devised family planning strategies, the aim is to thwart unplanned pregnancies and promote reproductive health.

The arsenal of birth control and family planning methods available to individuals today is diverse, catering to various preferences, needs, and circumstances. These methods not only offer options but also foster control over one’s reproductive destiny. Here are some of the key components of this comprehensive array of family planning strategies:

1. Condom Usage: Condoms are a versatile and widely accessible method of contraception. They provide a dual benefit by not only preventing pregnancies but also protecting against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Their ease of use and availability make them a popular choice among many.

2. Sterilization: Sterilization procedures, such as tubal ligation for women and vasectomy for men, offer a permanent solution to family planning. These methods involve surgically blocking or cutting the fallopian tubes (in the case of women) or the vas deferens (in the case of men), rendering individuals incapable of conceiving.

3. Spermicides: Spermicides are chemical agents designed to immobilize or kill sperm, thereby preventing them from fertilizing an egg. They are available in various forms, including gels, creams, foams, and suppositories, and can be used in combination with other methods for increased efficacy.

4. Intra-uterine Device (IUD): IUDs are small, T-shaped devices that are inserted into the uterus by a healthcare provider. They offer long-term contraception, with some types lasting up to a decade. IUDs work by altering the uterine environment, making it unfavorable for fertilization and implantation.

5. Contraceptive Pills or Injections: Hormonal contraceptives, such as birth control pills and injections, are effective at regulating the menstrual cycle and preventing pregnancy. These methods contain hormones that inhibit ovulation and thicken cervical mucus to impede sperm movement.

6. Rhythm Method: Also known as fertility awareness or natural family planning, the rhythm method involves tracking a woman’s menstrual cycle to identify fertile and non-fertile periods. Couples can then choose to abstain from intercourse or use other methods during fertile times.

7. Withdrawal Method: The withdrawal method, also known as “pulling out,” involves the man withdrawing his penis from the vagina before ejaculation. While it is a simple approach, it is less reliable than many other methods and requires a high degree of self-control.

These various family planning strategies empower individuals and couples to make informed choices about when to start or expand their families, based on their unique circumstances, health considerations, and personal preferences. By promoting access to these methods and comprehensive education about reproductive health, family planning contributes to healthier families, improved maternal and child health, and greater overall well-being for individuals and societies alike.

See also:

Organism | Meaning, Population, Succession, Competition, Overcrowding

Sense Organs | Skin, Eyes, Ears, Nose & Tongue

Kidney | Structure, Functions, Diseases, Effects, Remedies & Osmoregulator

Hormones | Animal Hormones & Plant Hormones


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