
Les adverbs de temps

(adverb of time)

Adverbs of time tell when an event occurs.

They are also called “locutions adverbials de temp” especially when they are made up of more than one word.

Here is a list of the common ones.

Il y a longtemps Long ago
Maintenant Now
Depuis que/quand Since when
Depuis Since
Quand When
Tout a heure See you soon
Avant Before
Toujours Always
Souvent Often
Parfois Sometimes
Jamais Never
Autre fois In the past
Il etait une fois Once upon a time
Bientot Soon
Quelque fois Sometimes
Tous les jours Every day/ all day
Le matin In the morning
Hier Yesterday
Aujourd’ hui Today
Apres After
Ce  matin This morning
Cette après mide This afternoon
Quell que jour Someday
L’annee prochaine Next year


Note that adverbs of time can be classified into three different groups.

Those tht indicate the past

Those that indicate the present

Those that indicate the future


Classify the adverbs in the table into three groups




Make fifteen (15) sentences

Five (5) sentences for each category:



Je suis a l’ecole maintent  (present)

Je suis alle au marche hier (Past)

J’irai a paris a l’annee Prochaine (future)



The French imperfect tense is mainly used to talk about things that used to happen regularly in the past. E.g. j’allais chaque annee en vacances.

To form the imperfect, we use the ‘nous’ form of the “present tense” and remove the ONS. To this stem, the following endings are added

Je                    ais

Tu                   ais

Il                      ait

Elle                  ait

Nous              ions

Vous               iez

Ils                    aient

Ells                  aient


Note:   There are exception for verbs such as “etre” whose stem is et – “manger” whose stem is “mang” and not “mange” ranger whose stem is “rang” not “range”.


It is also worth while to know that for verbs like “Commencer”, the last – C – changes to – C – before vowel letters – a – o and u.


Example: In nous commencons” the stem of the verb is commenc “and not “commen”


Faites des excercises suivantes


Fill in the gaps with the correct imperfect tense


See also

Rapporter une conversation/un ordre

Repondez Vrai ou faux

Exprimer la simultanitite

La Grammaire


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