JSS 3 Computer (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Computer Studies/ICT/IT (All Classes)


SPREADSHET TERMINOLOGIES A cell is a space in a worksheet formed by the intersection of a row and a column. An active cell is the cell that is currently worked upon. E.g cell G7 is the active cell the above diagram.   ROW: is defined as the horizontal space that is going across the window. […]

JSS 3 Computer (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Computer Studies/ICT/IT (All Classes)


SPREAD SHEET Spreadsheets are like lined paper with columns. The sheet itself comprises of columns (vertical) and rows (horizontal) which are in turn, made up of cells. A spreadsheet is the computer equivalent of a paper ledger sheet.   Spreadsheet can be defined as the combination of rows and columns used in performing arithmetic calculations. […]

JSS 3 Computer (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Computer Studies/ICT/IT (All Classes)


There are various forms or ways by which database can be set up. They include: Flat file database Relational database Hierarchical database Network database Operational database Distributed database End user database   FLAT FILE DATABASE This is the traditional data file storage system ideal for storing small amounts of data that needs to be humanly […]

JSS 3 Computer (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Computer Studies/ICT/IT (All Classes)


Database is an application that is used to store information in a structured way. It is a collection of records or data in an organized form. A database is an organized collection of related information that allows the storage of different types of record with appropriate interconnections. Databases are designed to offer an organized mechanism […]

JSS 3 Computer (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Computer Studies/ICT/IT (All Classes)


USES OF DIGITAL LITERACY In Education: digital literacy is more than having the knowledge of how to use a computer, what your software program does or the function of the hardware but also about using that knowledge to actually facilitate the learning process. Educators are often required to be certified in digital literacy to teach […]

JSS 3 Computer (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Computer Studies/ICT/IT (All Classes)


The term digital describes electronic technology that generates stores and processes data in terms of two states which is either positive or negative, 0 or 1. However, literacy is the ability to read and write or the ability to use language to read, write, listen and speak.   Digital literacy is a term that refers […]

JSS 3 Computer (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Computer Studies/ICT/IT (All Classes)


OLD ECONOMY Old economy is the economy system mainly based on subsistence farming. It involves trade by barter. It is associated with the under-developed or developing countries of the world.   FEATURES OF OLD ECONOMY Its processes were time consuming. It required a lot of labour. It was mechanically driven. Scarcity of labour and low […]

JSS 3 Computer (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Computer Studies/ICT/IT (All Classes)


Digital Divide is used to describe the division of the world into two different groups. i.e. those that have access to the internet and those who do not have access to the internet. In other words, it is the unequal access by some members of the society to information and communication technology. The term global […]

JSS 3 Computer (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Computer Studies/ICT/IT (All Classes)


A search engine is a software program or script available through the Internet that searches documents and files for keywords and returns the results of any files containing those keywords. A search engine is a site on the WWW that allows you to search for other websites. It is more powerful than a web directory. It will search the web or the basis […]

JSS 3 Computer (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Computer Studies/ICT/IT (All Classes)


The word “INTERNET” stands for International Network simply put as NET. It comprises of all computers around the world, connected together to share resources and information irrespective of distance and/or geographical location. The Internet is a worldwide communication medium or pool from where people all over the world could exchange retrieve, disseminate and store information […]


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