JSS 1 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


What is Water? Chemically a molecule of water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom held together by covalent bonds. Water is precious to man’s existence as it is needed in agriculture, sports, industry, and domestic affairs. Water may be hard or soft. Hard water is not good economically as more soap […]

JSS 1 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Sources of Water Supply

Water Supply Water is one of the most abundant natural resources that covers about 80% of the Earth’s surface. It is very important because it is needed by every creature. The body system contains approximately 75% of water. Most of the food we take comprises water. It helps the flow of blood, prevents dehydration, regulates […]


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