Basic Science and Technology (Primary Classes)


What is Modern Technology?. Modern technology is the advancement of the old technology with new additions and modifications. For an example, it is impossible for the people in this decade to live with a wired telephone placed on the table.   So, the mobile phone which can be taken with us anywhere is the perfect […]



MEANING OF SAFETY Safety is the state of being safe, the condition of being protected from harm and other non-desirable outcomes. Safety means keeping yourself and other from harm and danger.   MEANING OF ACCIDENT An accident is an unplanned event that sometimes has inconvenient or undesirable consequences. An accident is something harmful and takes



Electricity is a form of energy that can give things the ability to move and work. Electricity makes the following to do work or move: bulbs, toys, machines, cars, television etc.   PUPILS ACTIVITIES Materials required A plastic comb (or a glass rod or a plastic rod), pupils with dry hair, a piece of dry


Forms of Energy

LIGHT ENERGY Light energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation. Light consists of photons, which are produced when an object’s atoms heat up. Light travels in waves and is the only form of energy visible to the human eye.   SOURCES OF ENERGY Sun Electric bulb Explosion Flame LED (Light Emitting Diode) Fire Moon Tube

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Forms of Force

Force is a push or pulls acting upon an object as a result of its interaction with another object. There are a variety of types of forces. Previously in this lesson, a variety of force types were placed into two broad category headings on the basis of whether the force resulted from the contact or

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To stop a moving object, a force must act in the opposite direction to the direction of motion. For instance, if you push your book across your desk, the book will move. The force of the push moves the book. As the book slides across the desk, it slows down and stops moving. The force


Making of Maracas

Maracas is known as shekere in Yoruba land. It is one of the major instruments mainly used when performing a musical concert. The following are materials needed for making maracas at home Rice Plastic egg Two plastic spoons Cellotape Procedure for making maracas Pour rice into an empty plastic egg and close the egg. Tape

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Behavior and sounds of animals

Feeding All animals eat food. The food they eat may be different. Some animals feed on banana, some animals eat beans, some cassava, some eat chick, some eat grass, some feed on maize, some eat leaf, some eat rat while fishes eat worm. Movement All animals can move. A goat can walk and it can

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Animals are living things which means they can perform the characteristics of living things which include reproduction, feeding, movement etc.  Animals cannot produce their own food themselves. They rely either directly or indirectly on the food produced by plant. Animals breathe in oxygen that is produced by plant. Examples of common animals:  butterfly, cat, cock,

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The human body

Parts of the human body includes:- Head, eye, nose, mouth, arm, hand, knee, leg, foot, toes etc. Each part of the body is useful to us, part of the usefulness includes:- Part of the body Use Part of the body Use Eyes To see things Mouth To talk and to eat Nose To smell things

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Modern Instruments that Produce Sounds

Scientists have produced a lot of modern instruments that can produce sound energy, some of these instruments are:- drum, saxophone, clarinet, piano, guitar, harp etc. Examples of Instruments and Sound Energy Castanets clicking A calliope singing Cymbals crashing A drumstick striking a drum head Electric guitar whining A hammer striking a steel string in a

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Local Instruments that Produce Sounds

Local Instruments that Produce Sounds Local musical instruments are objects put together in the locality to produce music There are many local instruments in Nigeria that can produce sound. This include:- Shekere Samara Gangan Ekwe Udu Agidigbo Bata drum Kakaki Xalam Ogene Kontigi   Presentation Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic. Step II: Teacher

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Digestive system

The human digestive system is a series of organs that converts food into essential nutrients that are absorbed into the body. The digestive organs also move waste material out of the body. The enzymes in saliva help break down foods, and the lubrication function of saliva makes it easier for food to be swallowed.  

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A machine is a simple object which makes our work easier to do. Many objects in the school and at home such as a pair of scissors, bottle opener and cutlass, are examples of simple machines. In science, anything that makes us to use less energy to do much work or overcome a large force

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Magnetism is a force that can attract (pull closer) or repel (push away) objects that have a magnetic material like iron inside them (magnetic objects). Magnets can be affected by electricity, which makes them very useful in machines and computers. Magnets are used to make a tight seal on the doors to refrigerators and freezers,



Electricity is a form of energy that can give things the ability to move and work. Electricity makes the following to do work or move: bulbs, toys, machines, cars, television etc.   CONDUCTOR AND NON CONDUCTOR CONDUCTOR Conductors are materials that allow energy to flow through them. For example, wire, iron, pin, spoon, etc. They



Soil is the top most layer of the earth where plant grow and animal walk Do you know that soil is very important to us? For example, we plant seeds in the soil in our farms and our school gardens. We also use soil for making bricks and pots.   There are three different types

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