JSS 2 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes)


Prepositions shows the relationship between noun and pronoun in the same sentence. Examples during, towards, without, near, on except, off, from, among, for, at, in, about, with, throughout,

Definition of prepositions

A preposition is a word that typically shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. It is a part of speech that helps indicate location, direction, time, manner, or other relationships between different elements in a sentence.

Prepositions are often used to describe where something is located, such as “in,” “on,” “at,” or “under.” They can also indicate the direction of movement, like “to,” “into,” or “through.” Additionally, prepositions can express time relationships, such as “before,” “after,” “during,” or “since.”

Examples of prepositions in sentences

1. The book is on the table. (“on” shows the relationship between the book and the table)
2. She walked through the park. (“through” indicates the direction of movement)
3. We’ll meet at the restaurant. (“at” shows the location where the meeting will take place)
4. He arrived after the party started. (“after” indicates the time relationship)

Prepositions are essential for conveying accurate information about the relationships between different elements in a sentence. They play a crucial role in clarifying meaning and ensuring clear communication.

Making sentences with prepositions

Certainly! Here are some sentences using prepositions:

1. I went to the store to buy groceries.
2. The book is on the table.
3. She walked through the park on her way to work.
4. The cat jumped off the couch and onto the bed.
5. We’re going to the beach for our vacation.
6. The ball rolled under the table.
7. The children played in the park all day.
8. I’ll meet you at the restaurant at 7 p.m.
9. He lives near the train station.
10. We sat beside each other during the movie.

These sentences demonstrate the use of prepositions like “to,” “on,” “through,” “off,” “onto,” “for,” “under,” “in,” “at,” “near,” and “beside.” Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence.

Relationship between Nouns and Pronouns

Prepositions show the relationship between nouns and pronouns in the same sentence. Examples during, towards, without, near, on except, off, from, among, for, at, in, about, with, throughout, beyond, by, through, under, after, to, between, against, into, within, etc.

  1. Bola prefers black biro to a blue one
  2. She was delayed by the traffic
  3. A cat is under the table
  4. The bird flew through the window
  5. He wrote a letter to his father


FOR – This is accompanied by a period of time. Examples

  1. I have been here for four years
  2. He has been living in this house for eight years

SINCE – It is placed before phrases or words indicating a point of time. Examples:

  1. Adeola has been living in this village since 1980
  2. I have not seen him since Sunday

FROM – It indicates a point of time. From should be followed by “to” or “till”. Example: Ade worked from eight O’clock till four O’clock without resting.

TO – We can use to for movement from a particular place to an office or school etc. An example: Gbolahan walks to his office everyday.

AT – It is used to indicate position. An example: Jide came at seven O’clock in the morning.


Underline the preposition from the following sentences:

  1. The dog ran after the mouse
  2. He walked into the room after the mid – night
  3. I kept the bag under the bed
  4. Friday comes before Saturday
  5. I bought two loaves of bread
  6. The girl was beaten by the boy
  7. The man across the dusty road
  8. Come with me to the station
  9. Please wait for me
  10. Switch on the light in the room

See also



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