JSS 3 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (All Classes) Literature In English (All Classes)

Fiction and non-fiction

Fiction vs Non fiction Fiction is not true and non-fiction is true. This is the simplest way of defining fiction and non-fiction. Non-fiction involves real things, real people, real events, real places and real writing. However, fiction is just imaginary things, imaginary people, imaginary events, imaginary places and imaginary writing. While a writer based on […]

SS 1 Literature in English (1st, 2nd & 3rd term) Literature In English (All Classes)


WHAT IS PROSE? The third genie of Literature is Prose. Prose which is a literacy piece expressed in ordinary and straight forward language other than in Verse. A writer of Prose is known as PROSE MAN or PROSAIST. The chief character in prose or any literacy piece is known as AGONIST. If any literacy work […]

Literature In English (All Classes) SS 1 Literature in English (1st, 2nd & 3rd term)


What is Friction? This is the general term for invented stories, now usually applied to novels, short stories, novellus, romances, fabled and other narrative works in prose, even though most plays and narrative poems are also fictional. Example of Friction Fable:Fable is a brief tale in verse or prose that conveys a moral lesson, usually […]


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