Agricultural Science (Primary Classes) Agricultural Science (All Classes)

Cares for young animals

Balanced ratio Clean water Adequate medication Clean environment Housing Good, skillful and competence Separate the sick animals for treatment Maintain appropriate levels of animal welfare Recognize animal symptoms Good and proper record of farm animals   EFFECTS OF LACK OF CARES ON THE GROWING ANIMALS It leads to poor growth It reduces milk and meat […]

Agricultural Science (Primary Classes) Agricultural Science (All Classes)

Healthy Growth for Animals

Specific needs of young animals for healthy growth Young farm animals require special care soon after they are born. Growing farm animals also have some specific needs to grow well and productive. ANIMALS WITH THEIR YOUNG ONES Chicken-chicks goat-kids Pigs-piglets Cow- calf Sheep-lambs   NEEDS OF GROWING FARM ANIMALS Food Chicks require chick mash. This […]

Agricultural Science (Primary Classes) Agricultural Science (All Classes)

Animal feed

Components of animal feed Animals feed is a food given to domestic animals in the course of breeding or rearing of animals There are two basic types, namely-locally and process foods Domestic animals like cattle, goat, sheep, chicken, bird etc. generally feed on plants, grains, or both. Animals feed on yam or potato pills, chaff, […]

Agricultural Science (Primary Classes) Agricultural Science (All Classes)

Livestock Management

Procedure for raising cattle There are many steps involved in raising farm animals, right from when they are young, till when they are old or mature and are ready for marketing. These steps can be generally grouped into housing, feeding, health care and handling for marketing. . Procedure for raising cattle Cattle are large farm […]

Agricultural Science (Primary Classes) Agricultural Science (All Classes)

Livestock Production

Requirement for livestock production and animal husbandry MEANING OF LIVESTOCK Livestock is commonly defined as domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to produce labor and commodities such as meat, eggs, milk, fur, leather, and wool. The breeding, maintenance, and slaughter of livestock, known as animal husbandry.   There are many steps involved in raising farm animals, right from when they are young, till when they are old or mature […]

Agricultural Science (Primary Classes) Agricultural Science (All Classes)

Raise School Farm

PRE PLANTING ACTIVITIES Choose a suitable site Clearing of land and stumping Selection of seedlings Planting locally grown crops on ridges and beds in the school farm.   POST PLANTING ACTIVITIES Watering, mulching, thinning and supply Application of fertilizers Weeding Staking where necessary Application of pesticides Harvesting of mature crops.   Strategies & Activities: Step […]

Agricultural Science (All Classes) Agricultural Science (Primary Classes)


A disease is an abnormal condition that damages a plant, reduce the yield of usefulness of man. CASUAL AGENT OF CROPS DISEASES Fungi Bacteria Virus Nematodes SOME COMMON CROP DISEASES Maize smut Cassava mosaics Tomato rot Blights Root rot Groundnut rosette   Strategies & Activities: Step: Teacher revises the previous topic. Step 2: Teacher introduces […]

Agricultural Science (Primary Classes) Agricultural Science (All Classes)

Pest and diseases of crop plants

Pests are animals that damage agricultural produce by feeding on them. Common pests of crops are insects, birds, bats, rodents and monkeys. Diseases are abnormalities in the growth of crops. Common diseases of crops include Maize smut, groundnut rosette, cassava mosaic, tomato rot, yam rot, cassava leaf blight and rice smut. Pests and diseases have […]


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