JSS 1 Physical And Health Education (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Contact and Non – Contact Sports

Contact Sports

Contact sports are a category of athletic activities in which participants engage in physical contact with opponents as an integral part of the game. In these sports, physical contact is not only permitted but is often a fundamental element of the gameplay. Contact sports can vary widely in terms of rules, objectives, and levels of physicality, but they all involve some degree of physical interaction between players. Here are some key aspects and examples of contact sports:

1. Physical Contact: In contact sports, players come into direct physical contact with each other during the course of the game. This contact can involve tackling, blocking, pushing, shoving, or other forms of physical interaction, depending on the specific sport.

2. Rules and Regulations: Contact sports have rules and regulations that govern the permissible types and levels of contact. These rules are designed to ensure the safety of the participants while allowing for competitive play. Violations of these rules can result in penalties or fouls.

3. Team-Based: Most contact sports are team-based, with two or more teams competing against each other. The primary objective is often to score points by moving a ball or object into the opposing team’s goal, end zone, or basket, while also defending against the opposing team’s efforts to do the same.

4. Protective Gear: Due to the physical nature of contact sports, participants often wear protective gear, such as helmets, pads, mouth-guards, and gloves, to reduce the risk of injuries.

5. Popular Contact Sports: Some of the most well-known contact sports include:
– American Football: Involves tackling and blocking to advance the ball into the opposing team’s end zone.
– Rugby: A sport similar to American football but with fewer protective pads and continuous gameplay.
– Soccer: Although not as physically intense as some other contact sports, soccer does involve physical challenges, such as slide tackles and shoulder-to-shoulder challenges.
– Basketball: Players can engage in physical contact while vying for position, rebounding, and defending.
– Ice Hockey: Known for its physicality, ice hockey features body checks and collisions, in addition to scoring goals.

6. Different Levels of Contact: It’s important to note that the degree of contact can vary within contact sports. For example, in American football, there are positions like offensive linemen and defensive linemen who engage in more physical contact than wide receivers or quarterbacks.

7. Inherent Risks: Contact sports inherently carry some risk of injury due to the physical nature of the game. Participants, coaches, and governing bodies take measures to mitigate these risks, such as enforcing safety rules and guidelines and promoting proper training and conditioning.

While contact sports can be physically demanding and carry a risk of injury, they are also popular for their competitiveness, teamwork, and the excitement they bring to both participants and spectators. Many people enjoy the thrill and challenge of engaging in or watching contact sports.

Non-Contact Sports

Non-contact sports, also known as non-combat sports or minimal-contact sports, are athletic activities in which participants do not engage in physical contact with opponents as a primary element of the game. Unlike contact sports where physical collisions and interactions are integral to gameplay, non-contact sports are characterized by a lack of deliberate physical contact between competitors. Here are some key features and examples of non-contact sports:

1. Objective-Based: Non-contact sports typically revolve around achieving a specific objective, such as scoring points, achieving a time goal, or performing routines or movements with precision and skill.

2. Limited Physical Contact: While incidental or accidental contact may occur in non-contact sports, such contact is not a fundamental part of the game. Players are expected to avoid physical interference with opponents, and rules and regulations are in place to penalize any deliberate contact.

3. Individual or Team-Based: Non-contact sports can be either individual or team-based. Some sports, like tennis or swimming, involve individual competition, while others, such as soccer or basketball, are team sports.

4. Examples of Non-contact Sports:
– Track and Field: Events like running, long jump, high jump, pole vault, and discus throwing involve athletes competing against each other without physical contact.
– Swimming: Swimmers race against each other in lanes, striving to achieve the fastest times without any physical contact during the race.
– Golf: In golf, players aim to complete each hole with the fewest strokes possible, and there is no contact with opponents.
– Tennis: Tennis players compete by hitting a ball back and forth over a net, with the objective of scoring points without making physical contact with their opponent.
– Gymnastics: Gymnasts perform routines on various apparatuses, focusing on precision, balance, and skill, with no direct physical contact with other athletes.
– Cross Country Running: Runners race against each other over long distances, aiming to complete the course in the fastest time without contact.

5. Minimal Protective Gear: Non-contact sports typically require minimal protective gear, if any, as the risk of physical contact-related injuries is low compared to contact sports. For example, runners may only need appropriate footwear and clothing, while gymnasts may use specialized attire for comfort and grip.

6. Focus on Skill and Technique: Non-contact sports often emphasize skill, technique, strategy, and endurance. Athletes in these sports train extensively to improve their form, timing, and physical conditioning to excel in their chosen discipline.

7. Fair Play and Sportsmanship: Sportsmanship and fair play are essential in non-contact sports. Athletes are expected to compete with integrity, respect their opponents, and adhere to the rules and regulations of the sport.

Non-contact sports offer a wide range of physical activities and opportunities for individuals or teams to compete, stay active, and develop athletic abilities without the physical roughness and contact inherent in contact sports. These sports often emphasize precision, finesse, and athleticism in achieving their objectives.

Skills and Safety Measures in Contact and Non – Contact Sports

Skills used in Wrestling

1. The Open Stance: The open stance is a fundamental wrestling position where both competitors maintain a balanced and ready position, with their feet apart and weight evenly distributed. It allows wrestlers to move quickly, react to their opponent’s actions, and set up offensive and defensive maneuvers.

2. The Neck and Forearm Hold: This technique involves grabbing an opponent’s neck with one hand while using the other forearm to control their upper body. It’s a method to control the opponent’s position and create opportunities for throws, takedowns, or pins.

3. The Under-Arm Sweep: The under-arm sweep is a takedown technique where a wrestler uses an underhook (reaching their arm under their opponent’s arm) to control the opponent’s upper body. This allows them to manipulate their opponent’s balance and execute a sweep or throw to bring them to the mat.

4. The Hand Pin: Pinning is a critical aspect of wrestling, and the hand pin involves using hand control to secure an opponent’s arm or wrist on the mat. This restricts the opponent’s movement and helps a wrestler maintain control on top.

5. The Buttock Fling: The buttock fling, also known as a hip toss, is a throw technique where a wrestler uses their hip and leg strength to lift and throw their opponent over their hip and onto the mat. It’s a powerful move often used to score points or achieve a pin.

6. The Arm Drag: The arm drag is a technique used to quickly change the angle and position of an opponent. It involves grabbing the opponent’s arm and pulling it across their own body, creating an opening for a takedown or other offensive moves.

7. The Leg Hook: Leg attacks are a crucial aspect of wrestling, and the leg hook involves hooking one of the opponent’s legs with your own leg or by using your arms to control their leg. This can set up takedowns, trips, or throws.

8. Diving to Grasp the Thigh: This skill involves diving toward the opponent’s thigh to secure control of their leg or body. It’s often used to initiate a takedown or counter an opponent’s attack by redirecting their energy.

9. Diving to Grasp the Right and Left Leg: Similar to diving to grasp the thigh, this technique involves quickly reaching for and securing both of the opponent’s legs. It’s an aggressive move used to take an opponent down to the mat and gain control.

In wrestling, mastering these skills requires a combination of technique, strength, agility, and strategy. Wrestlers continuously train and refine these skills to outmaneuver and overpower their opponents, aiming to score points, achieve pins, or win matches through a combination of offensive and defensive tactics. Wrestling is a physically demanding sport that demands discipline and dedication to excel in these techniques and ultimately succeed on the mat.

Skills used in Judo

Certainly, let’s expand on the skills used in Judo:

1. Stance: Proper stance is fundamental in Judo. It involves the way a Judoka (a practitioner of Judo) positions their body in relation to their opponent. A balanced and well-structured stance is crucial for maintaining stability, mobility, and readiness to execute techniques. The stance allows a Judoka to move in any direction quickly and respond to their opponent’s actions effectively.

2. Gripping: Gripping is a key skill in Judo that involves obtaining a secure hold on the opponent’s uniform (gi). A Judoka’s grip on their opponent’s gi provides control and leverage. Various grip configurations can be used to control the opponent’s movement, set up throws, and initiate groundwork techniques like chokes and armlocks.

3. Footwork/Movement: Footwork and movement are essential in Judo, as they enable a Judoka to maneuver around the mat, maintain balance, and create opportunities for offensive and defensive actions. Proper footwork helps in positioning and breaking the opponent’s balance, a critical aspect of Judo.

4. Falling: Falling techniques, or ukemi, are crucial in Judo to minimize the risk of injury when thrown or taken down. Judokas practice breakfalls to learn how to distribute the impact evenly across their body, protecting themselves from injuries during training and competition.

5. Throws: Throws are the hallmark of Judo. They involve using the opponent’s momentum, balance, and leverage to bring them to the ground with force and control. Judo offers a wide range of throws, categorized into standing throws (nage-waza) and sacrifice throws (sutemi-waza). Throws can score points or lead to winning the match if executed perfectly.

6. Choking: Choking techniques (shime-waza) in Judo involve applying pressure to the opponent’s neck using the Judoka’s arms or the opponent’s own gi. These techniques aim to render the opponent unconscious or force them to submit. Properly executed chokes can lead to a victory by submission.

7. Arm Locking: Arm locks (kansetsu-waza) target the opponent’s elbow joint. A Judoka uses their legs, arms, or both to immobilize the opponent’s arm and apply pressure to the joint, forcing the opponent to submit or risk injury. Arm locks are another avenue for achieving victory by submission.

8. Breaking the Balance: Breaking the opponent’s balance (kuzushi) is a fundamental principle in Judo. It involves destabilizing the opponent by creating an off-balanced position. Properly timed kuzushi sets the stage for effective throws and takedowns. It’s often initiated through grips, footwork, and movement.

In Judo, the integration of these skills is crucial for success. Judo practitioners learn to read and anticipate their opponent’s movements, exploit their weaknesses, and execute techniques with precision and timing. Judo is not just about physical strength; it’s also a mental discipline that requires strategy, adaptability, and a deep understanding of balance, leverage, and control. These skills make Judo both an effective martial art for self-defense and a popular Olympic sport.

Skills used in Gymnastics

1. Stunts: Stunts in gymnastics involve various movements and poses that require balance, strength, and flexibility. These can include handstands, cartwheels, and other static or dynamic holds. Stunts are often performed on the floor exercise mat or as part of routines on gymnastics apparatuses.

2. Tumbling: Tumbling is a dynamic aspect of gymnastics that focuses on acrobatic movements performed on the floor exercise mat. Tumbling skills involve sequences of flips, rolls, and twists. Gymnasts learn to combine these skills into intricate passes, demonstrating both power and control. Tumbling routines often include somersaults, backflips, front flips, and combinations of these moves.

3. Apparatus Work: Gymnastics also involves the use of various apparatuses, each with its own set of skills and techniques:

– Vault: In vaulting, gymnasts sprint down a runway and launch themselves off a springboard to perform flips, twists, and body positions over a vaulting table before landing.

– Uneven Bars: This apparatus is used by female gymnasts and involves a dynamic routine of swings, releases, and transitions between the high and low bars. These routines require exceptional grip strength, coordination, and precision.

– Parallel Bars: Parallel bars are used by male gymnasts and involve swinging, balancing, and performing strength-based skills such as dips and handstands between two horizontal bars.

– Balance Beam: The balance beam is a narrow apparatus used by female gymnasts, and it requires incredible balance, focus, and precision. Gymnasts perform a variety of acrobatic moves, leaps, turns, and jumps on the beam.

– Pommel Horse: Male gymnasts perform routines on the pommel horse, a stationary apparatus with handles. Skills on the pommel horse involve complex circular and scissor-like movements that require core strength and coordination.

– Still Rings: The still rings apparatus involves swinging, holding static positions, and performing strength elements while suspended from two rings. Male gymnasts showcase their upper-body strength and control on the still rings.

4. Spotter: A spotter is an essential part of gymnastics, especially during training and when gymnasts are learning new and challenging skills. A spotter’s primary role is to assist the gymnast in safely performing a skill by providing physical support, balance, and guidance. Spotters are trained to intervene when necessary to prevent injuries and ensure the gymnast’s safety.

Gymnastics is a demanding sport that requires a combination of strength, flexibility, agility, and grace. Gymnasts spend years honing their skills in each of these areas to perform routines that showcase their mastery of stunts, tumbling, and apparatus work. Safety is paramount in gymnastics, and the presence of a spotter is a critical component of maintaining a safe training environment, especially when athletes are pushing their limits to achieve new heights in their performance.

Skills used in Swimming

Certainly, let’s expand on the skills used in swimming, particularly focusing on the four primary swimming strokes: front crawl, breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly stroke:

1. Front Crawl:

– Arm Movement: In front crawl, the swimmer’s arms alternate in a continuous circular motion, with one arm pulling underwater while the other recovers above the water. This coordinated movement provides propulsion.

– Kicking: The legs perform a flutter kick, which involves quick, continuous, and small kicks from the hips. The flutter kick generates additional propulsion and helps maintain balance in the water.

– Breathing: Swimmers performing the front crawl roll their bodies slightly to the side to take a breath while one arm is recovering above the water. Efficient timing of breathing is crucial for maintaining speed and rhythm.

– Body Position: A streamlined body position with a straight body line and a slight roll from side to side minimizes water resistance and maximizes efficiency.

– Coordination: Front crawl requires precise coordination between the arms, legs, and breathing. It’s known for its speed and is commonly used in competitive swimming.

2. Breaststroke:

– Arm Movement: In breaststroke, the arms move simultaneously in a half-circular motion, with the hands pushing outwards and forwards, then sweeping inwards and back towards the chest. This arm movement propels the swimmer forward.

– Leg Movement: The legs execute a whip kick, where the feet are drawn towards the buttocks and then forcefully extend outward, generating propulsion.

– Breathing: Swimmers raise their head out of the water to take a breath during the arm recovery phase. This stroke is recognized for its distinctive breathing pattern.

– Timing: Timing is crucial in breaststroke to achieve fluid and efficient movements of the arms and legs. It’s often considered a more leisurely stroke than the front crawl.

3. Backstroke:

– Arm Movement: In backstroke, the arms perform an alternating circular motion, similar to front crawl but with the swimmer on their back. One arm pulls underwater while the other recovers above the water.

– Kicking: The legs execute a flutter kick similar to that used in front crawl, providing propulsion while the swimmer lies on their back.

– Breathing: Since the swimmer is on their back, they don’t need to turn their head to breathe. Instead, they coordinate their breathing with their arm strokes, inhaling when an arm exits the water and exhaling when the other enters.

– Body Position: A streamlined body position with the face out of the water and the body parallel to the water’s surface is essential for efficient backstroke swimming.

– Coordination: Backstroke requires excellent body awareness and coordination to maintain the proper position while swimming on the back.

4. Butterfly Stroke:

– Arm Movement: The arms move simultaneously in a circular fashion, with both arms sweeping outwards and forwards simultaneously, then sweeping inwards and back towards the chest in a coordinated manner.

– Leg Movement: The legs perform a simultaneous, powerful dolphin kick, where both legs move up and down together in a fluid, undulating motion.

– Breathing: Swimmers performing the butterfly stroke do not take regular breaths. Instead, they time their breaths by lifting their heads above the water during arm recovery.

– Body Undulation: Butterfly stroke is characterized by a continuous body undulation, where the chest and hips move in harmony with the arm and leg movements.

– Strength and Timing: Butterfly is physically demanding and requires strength, flexibility, and precise timing to perform the coordinated arm and leg actions effectively.

Each of these swimming strokes demands a unique set of skills, techniques, and physical conditioning. Swimmers often choose their preferred stroke based on personal preferences, strengths, and competitive goals. Developing proficiency in multiple strokes is common among competitive swimmers to enhance versatility and competitiveness in various events.

Safety Measures in Contact and Non – Contact Sports

  1. The arena / field of play must be cleared of all dangerous objects.
  2. The players must imbibe the spirit of sportsmanship (give and take).
  3. Lines dimension and specification must show clearly.
  4. Sports material and equipment to be used must be properly maintained and in good shape.
  5. Be knowledgeable of what to do.
  6. Have adequate warm – up before performing.
  7. Proceed from simple to complex activities.
  8. Always wear the correct costumes (wears).
  9. Follow the coaching points.
  10. Perform activities within one’s ability.
  11. Avoid prolonged activities.
  12. Activities should stop when fatigue sets in (tired).


  1. Mention the skills and techniques used in the above–mentioned contact and non – contact sports.
  2. List the safety measures in contact and non – contact sports.

See also

Benefits of Contact and Non – Contact Sports

Examples of Non – Contact Sports

Contact and Non – Contact Sports

Water Supply


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