English Language (All Classes) English Language (Primary Classes) Self Improvement SS 3 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term)

5 Essential Tips to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay

5 Essential Tips to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay Pursuing higher education has become very expensive in these times of rising inflation. In the UK, it can cost anywhere from 9,250 pounds to 38,000 pounds to attend a college/university. That is equivalent to 11,137 US dollars and 45,752 US dollars. Not everyone can afford these […]

SS 3 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (Primary Classes)


Auxiliary verbs are helping verbs. They help other verb both affirmative and negative sentence, meaning they are not use alone in sentence. They  are also used to ask question. PRIMARY AUXILIARY They are used with other verb to show tense and number in sentence. They include be, am, is, was, were, being, been, has, have, […]

JSS 1 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) English Language (Primary Classes)


Drama is a genre of literature which creates or recreates human experiences through acting; it is the representation of human action   FEATURES OF DRAMA Dialogue: It  refers to the exchange of ideas and opinion in a play between two or more characters. Characterization:  It is the process of creating characters and adorning them with […]

English Language (Primary Classes) English Language (All Classes)


An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb. Types of adverbs Adverbs of manner: they denote how an action is being carried out. Examples are boldly, quickly, friendly, happily etc.   Adverbs of time: adverbs of time tell us the time when an action takes place. Examples are- yesterday, tonight, tomorrow, weekend etc. […]

English Language (Primary Classes) English Language (All Classes)


Antonyms are words that are opposite in meaning Look carefully at the underlined words: Word                                 antonyms Happy                                                sad New                                       old Remember                           forget Smaller                                  bigger Like                                         dislike Big                                          small Beautiful                               ugly Like                                         hate Big                                          small Quiet                                      noisy     Supply the opposite of these words Dead – Awake – Bright – Far – Fat – Dark […]

English Language (Primary Classes) English Language (All Classes)


The use of “shall”, “will”, and “may” Read the sentences in the table several times and write out fourteen correct sentences from it: He The boy   Will Buy a book, Go to Lagos, Pay the bill,   Won’t he?   We   Shall not Go with them, Buy from them, Tell the truth,   […]

English Language (Primary Classes) English Language (All Classes)


Read these sentences: He came in at a point in time I was eating then He came in when I was eating When I was eating, he came in. Now, write down the sentences below like sentence (iii) above. I saw him when he was going out We got there when they were fighting Dada […]

English Language (Primary Classes) English Language (All Classes)


Read these sentences. Use the underlined words in sentences of your own. Put away all the toys Some children are very playful Give me any of the colours Each book costs $300 None of the boys is in school   Make eight sentences from this table   Each All None Some   of us   […]

English Language (Primary Classes) English Language (All Classes)


Read these sentences aloud Ngozi was there, wasn’t she? Yes, she was They were not busy, were they? No, they weren’t My sister did not buy sugar, did she? No, she didn’t You are a small boy, aren’t you? Yes, I am Men don’t surrender easily, do they? No, they don’t We agreed to meet […]

English Language (Primary Classes) English Language (All Classes)


Read these sentences aloud. Think about the two parts.   Statement Question I ate beans, She bought two oranges, They swept the room, Carol sang a song, He killed the snake, He has gone, Didn’t i? Didn’t she? Didn’t they? Didn’t she? Didn’t he? Hasn’t he? Ade could not buy a pen, She is not […]


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