JSS 1 English Language (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term)


Folktales are stories that are made up long ago to teach people and children how to live good lives and how to live wisely.  These stories are usually about animals (fables), birds, fish or insects that think and talk like human beings.  The stories are often amusing so that we enjoy hearing and reading them. […]


Contrast of pure vowel /u/ /u:/D/

What is a vowel sound?  A vowel sound is a speech sound that is made with the vocal that being opened. We shall be contrasting three monothongs or pure vowels which are /u/, /u:/ and /D/ /u/                    /u:/                   /D/ Bull                 brute                cost Book               boom               cot Cook               two                  fog Cold                crew                stop Foot                 blue                 loss CLASS

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Contrast of Pure Vowel /Ɔ/

Vowel /D/:- Is a short vowel.  To pronounce /D/ the tongue is low in the mouth but it is pushed towards the back.  The lips from a round shape.  g. (i)  Elliot lost his little dog. (ii)  Put the doll in the baby’s cot Vowel /Ɔ/:- to pronounce /Ɔ/, the tongue position and the round

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Introduction to Diphthongs

A diphthong is a sequence of two vowels.  This means that in order to produce a diphthong, the tongue moves or glides from the position of are simple vowel into the position of another vowel.  We  have eight (8) diphthongs:  /ei/, /Əu/, /iƏ/, /eƏ/, /ƌi/, /ƌv/, /Ɔi/ and /uƏ/.  The following are the various examples

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Child Labour and Trafficking

Child labour – is when one subject a child to in human task.  The following are words that are associated with child labour: Sweat shop Slave labour Forced In humane Salt mines Work house Nine Underpaid Trafficking is a (crime).  Dealing illegally e.g. traffic drugs, goods or humans e.t.c These are words that are associated

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Tenses occur only in verbs. Although it is usual to talk about the past, present and other tenses, it refers to the change that takes place in the form of the verb to indicate time.   THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE It is used to express habitual truth, eternal truth, what is fixed and present action.

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Essay-Meaning and Definition

What is an essay? An essay is a written composition of moderate length explaining   a particular issue or subject matter. In writing an essay, we must consider the following types of essays which are  : (a) Narrative essay (b) Descriptive essay (c) Argumentative essay (d) Expository essay Narrative Essay: this is a type of essay

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Elements of Composition Elements of composition are the features or characteristics that make up the composition; they are divided into 3 parts which are: (i) The introduction (ii) The body (iii) The conclusion Introduction: is the opening paragraph or the beginning of your composition Body: Is the content of your essay. The content will contain

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Introduction to Literature

Literature is the art of composition in prose and verse literature mirrors life and the society. There are three (3) genres of literature which are: Drama (b) Prose (c) Poetry.   The purpose of Literature Literature seeks to correct the vice in the society Literature preserves the culture and tradition of the individual and society.

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What is an Adverb? An adverb is a word that is used to modify (to tell more about) a verb, an adjective, and another adverb.   TYPES OF ADVERB Adverbs of Manner Adverbs of manner are ones that answer the question “how?” These adverbs show how something, such as an action, is done. In a

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Expository Essay

HIV/AIDS HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system, which is our body’s natural defence against illness. The virus destroys a type of white blood cell in the immune system called a T-helper cell, and makes copies of itself inside these cells. T-helper cells are also referred to as CD4 cells. As HIV destroys

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Various Forms of Tenses

Sentence 1 It rains.  Present tense It is raining Present continuous tense It  has been raining since yesterday. Present perfect continuous tense It rained.   Past tense It has been raining since yesterday. Past continuous tense It had been raining for a while now. Past perfect continuous tense   Sentence 2 My class teacher is writes.

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CONTRAST  /u/, /u:/ A vowel sound is made with a free flow of air through the mouth without any obstruction either by the tongue or the lips. Word Contrast /u/                                                   /u:/ look                                               


Simple Past Tense

In our last class on grammar, we were looking at simple present tense, but now our focus will be on the simple past tense. THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE: is used for an action that took place in the past. For example: (i)  John drove to Lagos on Monday (ii)  Yesterday, I ate rice (iii)  I

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Composition (Narrative Essay)

A narrative is a recount of past experiences or shared experiences of the past.  In everyday life, we often need to give an account or a report of an event or something that happened in the past, when we do this, we are involved in narration.  Note that you make use of the past tense

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