SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition


Hygiene is an act of cleanliness as a means of healthy living to be free from diseases and germs. It is the observance of effective sanitary measures in food production, purchasing, processing and marketing. Personal kitchen hygiene The first step in producing clean and safe food is the selection of food in the market, it […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition


Safety habits and devices are the precautions taken in the kitchen to avoid accidents. Since the kitchen is supposed to be a busy place for food preparation and cooking, common accidents are likely to occur. They include: Falls Burns and scald. Electric shock. Accidental poisoning. The following precautions must be taken to avoid accident in […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition


Cleaning agents are chemicals that aid in the washing and cleaning of kitchen equipment and utensils. The commonly cleaning agent used in the kitchen is soap. Soap is classified into local and commercial cleaning agents. Homemade or locally made cleaning agents are the ones made by using local materials within our environment, they are cheap […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition

Kitchen Equipment

Kitchen equipment are facilities and tools used in the kitchen for food preparation and for making cooking tasks easier. The types of equipment needed depends on the user of the kitchen. When selecting or purchasing equipment, the following factors should be considered: Income or availability of money. Size of the kitchen. The safety and maintenance […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition

Kitchen Management

A kitchen can be described as the domestic workshop in the home where all the preparation, cooking and serving of food is done. There are two types of kitchen 1. Family kitchen.  2. Industrial kitchen. Family kitchen: a family kitchen can be traditional or modern. The industrial kitchen is the type of kitchen found in […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition

Reproductive Health

What is Reproductive Health? Reproductive health refers to the overall well-being and functioning of the reproductive system, encompassing both physical and mental aspects. It involves the ability to have a satisfying and safe sexual life, the capability to reproduce, and the freedom to make decisions regarding reproduction, including access to information and services related to […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition


IDENTIFICATION OF FOOD NUTRIENTS Carbohydrates Iodine test: cut a section of carbohydrate food to expose the flesh. Then pour drops of iodine on the exposed flesh. If it turns black or darkish brown, it shows the presence of carbohydrate. If it remains light brown, then carbohydrate is absent. Litmus test: this is another simple experiment […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition

Scientific study of food

Units of measurement The energy value of food can be measured in calories or joules but a large unit of energy is measured in kilo-calories. It is the most common unit of measuring energy. The international unit of energy is “joule”. Therefore kilocalories is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition


The process by which the end products of digestion pass through the lining of the digestive tract is called absorption. Absorption takes place through the inner lining of the small intestine called villi. the simple sugar and amino acids enter into the blood directly while the fatty acids enter the blood system indirectly through the […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition


The food taken into our mouth requires some kind of alteration before they can be absorbed into the blood stream. Digestion is the process by which food molecules are broken down into various small substances that can be absorbed into the blood stream and assimilated into the cells for utilization. Digestion is mainly a chemical […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition


Some diseases are caused by lack of or shortage of specific nutrients in the meals we take, when this happens one begins to show signs of health imbalance. When a diseases is caused due to excess or lack of specific nutrient, the diseases are called malnutrition. To correct this, an intake of the nutrient which […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition


Mineral elements are also required in a very minor quantity by the body. They are inorganic in nature and perform a variety of functions like growth and vital metabolic activities. Mineral elements are usually classified into two groups. Macro elements. Micro elements. The macro elements are also called trace elements and they include sodium, calcium, […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition


Vitamins are inorganic in nature. They are required in a very little quantity by the body. Vitamin can be classified into two main groups: Water soluble vitamins. Fat soluble vitamins Water soluble vitamins: these are vitamins that dissolve in water. E.g. the B complex(B1) , B2, B6, B12, B15, folic acid, niacin, biotin pantothenic acid, […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition


Fats and oil are another group of macro nutrients that is required by the body. It composes of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Excess carbohydrates and proteins can be converted into fats and stored under the skin. The structural unit of fats and oils are glycerol and fatty acid. Differences between fats and oils Fats Oils […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition


Protein is another macro nutrient required by the body. Protein is made up of carbon, hydrogen nitrogen, and oxygen. The major structural unit of protein is amino acid. Protein can be classified into two. Protein that contain all the essential amino acids are called first class or complete or animal proteins. The other class of […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition


Nutrients that are required in a fairly large quantity by the body are referred to as macro nutrients while micro nutrients are required in a very little quantity. All these nutrients perform specific functions in the body and their lack or shortage in our diet results to deficiencies. CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition

Relationship between food and nutrition to other subjects

Food and nutrition is not an independent subject rather it is an area of study that cut across many other disciplines and also has a vital role to play in the continual existence of the human race. Food and nutrition cannot be divorced from agriculture. Their relationship is so strong that both comes under one […]

SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term) Food & Nutrition

Career opportunities available in foods and nutrition

Career opportunities available in foods and nutrition are: Teaching. Dietetics. Hospitality and tourism Food science. Food science and technology. Food engineering. Hotel and catering management. Food research and development. Community nutrition. Institutional matron. Clinical nutrition. Nutrition in media.   Evaluation: mention the importance of human nutrition.   See also BASIC FOOD NUTRIENTS FOOD AND NUTRITION […]

Food & Nutrition SS 1 Food & Nutrition (1st, 2nd & 5rd Term)


The search for food has been the occupation of mankind from the onset. Food is very important to our day to day life. Food can be defined as what nourishes the body. It is any substance which after consumption, digestion and absorption produces energy, promotes growth, repair body tissues and regulate all body processes. Food […]


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