Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


Physical development is the process that starts in human infancy and continues into late adolescent concentrating on gross and fine motor skills as well as puberty. As a child learns what their bodies can do, they gain self-confidence, promoting social and emotional development.   PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT IN YOUTH Physical development is divided into two areas, […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


PREVENTION OF DRUG ABUSE – LIFE SAVING SKILLS AND DEVELOPING POSITIVE HEALTH BEHAVIOR Drug abuse is an ongoing problem in many communities, creeping into the lives of all people of all ages and from all walks of life.   PREVENTION OF DRUG ABUSE Life – saving skills and developing positive health behavior are program designed to […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


IDENTIFICATION OF ABUSERS AND THEIR TREATMENT AND REHABILITATION Drug abuse affects the body and mind of the user and often many of those around him or her.   CHARACTERISTICS/EFFECTS OF DRUG ABUSERS  Heroine Abnormal or excessive happiness Pain Shivering when not on the drug Cocaine Sleeplessness Lack of appetite Excessive happiness of depression when not […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


SOURCES OF DRUG SUPPLY – TRAFFICKING The source of drug supply are numerous and everywhere. Both registered and unregistered are supplied inside commercial buses and at motor parks. They are also supplied at restaurants, beer parlors, hotels, club house, patient medicine stores, clinics, hospitals, pharmaceutical stores, supermarkets as well as those who go about on foot […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


There are five methods of drug use which allow drugs to enter the body: Swallowing Smoking Snorting Through suppositories Injecting   MODES OF DRUGS USE  Normal Use of Drugs  These are drugs that produce desired effects. That is, when we use drugs according to doctor’s prescription. Normal use of drugs makes us get well. Examples […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


Substance abuse are drug abuse and taking without the doctor’s advice or prescription. Some substance when taken changes the action of the body. Examples of substance are heroine, cocaine, Indian hemp, etc. EXAMPLES OF DRUGS MADE FROM INTERACTION BETWEEN CHEMICALS Aspirin Paracetamol Cough mixture Chloroquine Chloramphenicol Valium Antibiotics, etc. EXAMPLES OF SUBSTANCES ABUSE  Heroin Cocaine […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Benefits of Safety Rules in Physical and Health Education

The knowledge of safety education prevents injury on the playground. It prevents body deformity. It helps to avoid accidents. It helps to develop the pupils’ physicålly. It helps to maintain environmental cleanliness. Knowledge about safety encourages children to play freely without any fear. Presentation Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic. Step II: Teacher introduces […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Safety Rules in Physical and Health Education

What is safety rule? Safety rules are the instruction that guides us during exercise to prevent us from been harmed. Safety rules in physical education Do enough warm-ups exercise before any physical activity Do not throw any object anyhow. Do not do any physical activity that is too difficult for your age. Pay attention to […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Conditions that require First Aid

Some conditions that require first aid are Bleeding Fainting Wound (Bruises) Heat exhaustion Fracture Dislocation Vomiting Explanations of some conditions that require first aid Bleeding This happens when blood is coming out of the body as å result of å cut in the skin. Blood may also come out from the nose as å result […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

First Aid

First aid is an immediate help given to an injured person before proper treatment by å doctor. It is help given to å person who suddenly falls sick or has an accident before the actual treatment in the hospital. Materials found in the first aid box Materials found in the first aid box include: A […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Ways of Improving Sleep

Be quiet for å while before going to bed. Å noisy place is not good for sleeping. There should be enough air in the room. Cover yourself with warm clothing Sleep where there is no bright light. Do not sleep in å room with too many people We need sleep, rest, food and enough exercises […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Importance of Resting

Å good sleep and rest help us to: Work properly. Think easily and clearly. Act quickly and correctly. Communicate clearly. Learn fast. Be attentive. Be mentally and physically sound daily.   Factors Affecting Sleep These are things or situations that will not allow you to sleep or sleep well. You may not be able to […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Rest and Sleep

Rest This is the way we relax our body and brain after the day’s work. Sleep This is the best form of rest that helps the body and brain to rest well. After the rest, they will have enough strength to work properly.   Ways to rest We can rest by playing games like: Snakes […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Air Pollution

Air is made unsafe for breathing when it contains unpleasant odour from fåeces, dirt, poisonous gas and other rubbish. When air is polluted, it causes diseases or germs to spread to people. This can cause cough, small pox, chicken pox, tuberculosis (TB) and measles.   Polluted air can also cause suffocation. If people suffering from […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


Swimming is an individual sport in which one requires to move the entire body inside (through) water.  This helps in exercising the muscles without putting the load on bone joints. There are basically 5 types of swimming or strokes in which you can swim. Let us discuss each type’s technique, benefits, muscles involved, etc. in […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


The sport or activity of grappling with an opponent and trying to throw or hold them down on the ground, typically according to a code of rules. Wrestling is a general term for a combat sport between two competitors involving grappling type techniques. The main objective in most forms of wrestling is to pin down […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


Martial arts have become an important part of many people’s lives, among both adults and children. Parents enroll their kids at schools to improve their focus and discipline. Many adults have made the practice of martial arts a way of life.   Why are the arts important and why do they play such a central […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


MEANING OF MARTIAL ARTS Martial arts are codified systems and traditions of combat practiced for a number of reasons such as self-defense; military and law enforcement applications; competition; physical, mental and spiritual development; and entertainment or the preservation of a nation’s intangible cultural heritage. The term martial arts refer to all of the various systems […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)

Physical and Health Challenges

Drug Education ‘Drug’ is any chemical substance other than food which is intended to affect the functions of the body. A drug can be harmful if taken in a dosage not prescribed by the doctor, or taken too frequently for unjustified reasons. Drug use refers to the taking of drugs for an intended purpose in […]

Physical And Health Education (Primary Classes) Physical And Health Education (P.H.E)


Swimming: Basic swimming skills, basic swimming Strokes Swimming stroke is the method of moving the arms and legs to push against the water, and propel the swimmer forward. We shall further learn the basic skills in swimming. T hese are: 1 Butterfly stroke 2 Breaststroke 3 Freestyle 4 Crawl 5 Backstroke Basic skills in swimming […]


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