JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies

Health Issues | Examples, Preventions, & Harmful Substances

Harmful substances, also known as toxic substances or hazardous materials, are chemicals or materials that can cause harm to living organisms, the environment, or property. These substances can have detrimental effects on human health, wildlife, ecosystems, and even the planet as a whole. Here are some examples of harmful substances: Harmful Substances refer to contaminated […]

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies

Accident in Schools | Forms, Preventions, & Steps Taken

What is accident? Accident is the sudden occurrence of an unpleasant event which causes injury on an Individual or a group of people. Accident are always unplanned for and always worked against by providing safety measure in the society. Accidents can happen in schools, and it’s important to have measures in place to prevent them […]

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies

Gender Stereotypes | Examples, Effects, & Common myths

Gender stereotype is the misconception or myth that people have about a particular sex or gender or the belief on attitudinal display of a particular gender.

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies

Gender: Meaning, Roles, Similarities & Examples

Gender simply refers to the sex of an individual that is male or female and the roles the society assigned to it. Gender is the sum of cultural values, attitudes roles, practices, and characteristics based on sex. Meaning of gender role This is the role or behaviour considered appropriate for males or females in society. […]

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies

Family: Functions, Advantages & Unit of the Society

What is a family? The family is the smallest unit of a social Organization. It exists in every society. According to the Sociologists, a family is a group of people who are related by heredity or adoption. The family is the first social group where a child is taught what is right and what is […]

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies

Marriage: Conditions, Importance, Challenges, Problems & Solutions

The followings are some of the conditions for marriage Physical Maturity Psychological Maturity Sociological Stability Financial Readiness Importance of Marriage in the Society Reduces immoral practices in the Society: – Marriage reduces in discriminable sexual relationship. It provides the couples the opportunity to satisfy themselves sexually. It determines family members: – Through marriage family is […]

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies

Marriage: Meaning, types, forms & Purpose

What is marriage? Marriage is the legalized coming together of a man and a woman to live as husband and wife. It is a legal relationship which exist between two matured opposite sex for the purpose of procreation and fellowship. A normal marriage relationship must receive the consent or backing of the family of the […]

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies


Meaning of religion Religion is an organized collection of belief systems where humanity relates to divinity or spirituality. It is also an outward expression of belief in God or a deity.  It can also be defined as the belief in the existence of God and His supremacy Types of religion There are basically three types […]

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies


The word “values” has so many meaning, depending on the context it is used. In ordinary usage, values has to do with the monetary and non-monetary worth of a thing. Valuable items are always kept  meticulously or jealously  jewelry, expensive cars, certificates etc. Values can be defined as the moral principles and standards, which guide […]

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies


Some government agencies have been set up to fight corruption. These agencies ensure that individuals involved in corruption are prosecuted. The following agencies have been put in place by the government to eradicate corruption, they include the EFCC, ICPC, Code of Conduct Burea. These agencies have their different responsibilities. EFCC (Economics and Financial Crime Commission) […]

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies


CONSEQUENCES OF CORRUPTION It dents the nation image It brings hardship on average citizens It retards the economic growth It leads to poverty It discourages honesty, integrity and hard work It leads to unemployment   PREVENTION OF CORRUPTION Stiff punishment for corrupt leaders and officials Confiscation of poverty Introduction of civic and moral instructions. Honesty, […]

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies


Corruption simply refers to the act of using ones position for an unofficial or personal benefits or advantages. Corruption is a major problem in Nigeria as a nation.  It exists in every facets of Nigeria society both in private and government establishment  Corruption includes malpractice, electoral malpractice, extortion and many others.   FORMS OR […]

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies


Meaning of group behaviour according to Wikipedia, refers to the situations where people interact in large or small groups. A group can be described as a collection of two or more individuals interdependently interacting to achieve their common goals   Reasons for walking in group To reduce insecurity of working or standing alone To get […]

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies

Drug trafficking

Drug trafficking refers to the illegal act of carrying or transporting hard drugs like cocaine, heroin, Indian heir and many others within or outside the comply. Reasons for drug trafficking Unemployment Bad company Poverty Greed Ignorance   Consequence of drug trafficking Life imprisonment: Those caught and convicted will have a life jail term Dents the […]

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies

Effects of drug abuse

Effects of drug abuse on the family and society Road accident: Many road accidents occur when individuals are drunk and are under the influence of drugs. Failure in family responsibility: Drug addicts most times fail in carrying out their responsibilities in the family, especially financial responsibilities because they would have diverted all their money into […]

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies

Drug abuse

Drug abuse is the abnormal intake of drug or any other substances. It can also be described as the illegal or wrong use of drugs and other   Substances Forms of drug abuse Usage of drug not prescribed by doctors Using overdose of prescribed drugs Intake of herd drugs like marijuana heroin, cocaine and many […]

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies

Abuses to which children could be subjected

Meaning of sexual abuse Sexual abuse is any form or sort of non-consensual sexual contact, i.e a sexual relationship without each other’s consent. Sexual abuse can happen to men, women, teenagers and even children. Types of sexual abuse Rape Sexual harassmen Etc What to do when sexually abused Speak out: do not keep it to […]

JSS 2 Social Studies (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) Social Studies


Objectives are goals an individual or group aims at to get the very best of their performance. Some of the general objectives of social studies include the following: Critical thinking: Social studies teaches students about history and enables them understand how society has evolved. It also helps students develop an ability to think critically about […]


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